The Indian Drug Manufacturers Association Gujarat State Board has formally inaugurated its first quality circle. Commissioner, FDCA, Gujarat State, S.P. Adesara formally lightened the lamp and announced their launching of Quality Circle on December 7, 2002. Gujarat has taken a lead to form quality circle in an effort to meet requirements of revised schedule-M.
In this Quality Circle meeting, Chairman, IDMA (GSB), Kamlesh Udani and Chairman (Quality Circle), Neeraj Kumar Singh elaborated the purpose of forming this specialized unique circle.
The last date for implementing Schedule-M is December, 2003 which everybody in opinion that it should be postponed for few more years since Gujarat is the major contributed to the nation in terms of drug manufacturing formulation. Majority of the manufacturing is being done by SSI Units, these SSI Units are currently not in position to bear the extra financial burden or they are not very much aware about the latest Schedule-M.
S. P. Adesara has clearly indicated that this is need of the hour that we must upgradate our system up to the minimum expectation. He has also denoted that there will be no much expenses will be there rather when you work together like in Quality Circle, a Company may have to invest just 50 per cent of the actual projected expansion budget. He has also shown interest in suggesting some valuable tips to the manufacturers related to Quality Control and Quality assurance procedures.
Kamlesh Udani, who is a Chairman of IDMA has given futuristic approach to this innovative quality circle as being on establishment industrialist and very active Chair person in IDMA, has given the opinion that we all manufacturer must involve in this activity since we were shown our ability earlier also many times and this time this unique project has been launched under the guidance of Neeraj Kumar Singh. In his opinion, this is the first quality circle zone, after that he has the plan throughout the Gujarat.
N.K. Singh has mentioned in his inaugural speech that this whole nation is facing the globalization, so we must have to do it within scheduled time as he has given indication that for this quality circle work, fund requirement will be generated with the help of UNIDO. From UNIDO, Avinash Joshi, National Expert has given the assurance for this project to be taken care under Cluster Development programme. N.K. Singh has seen optimistic approach towards the all organization and also assured that within schedule we will be completing the step 1 quality circle work. This committee of quality circle works will be regulated by IDMA Management Board.