Shasun Chemicals and Drugs Limited has reported sales / income from operations of Rs 61.52 crore and a profit after tax of Rs 4.32 crore for the quarter ended 31.12.2002 as against Rs 60.26 crore and Rs 4.25 crore respectively for the same period last year.
For nine months ended 31.12.2002, the company has reported higher sales and income of Rs 178.95 crore and a profit of Rs 9.44 crore as against Rs 161.97 crore and Rs 7.31 crore respectively. The export sales for the period stood at Rs 115 crore as against Rs 98 crore for the same period last year. The higher sales and profit for nine months period is on account of higher sales of Nizatidine (anti-ulcer), HPMCP (excipient) and other new products developed by the company's in-house R&D Centre.
The company's Cuddalore unit recently underwent inspection by US FDA in Nov 2002 for its facility for Nizatidine, Ranitidine and Methohexital (anaesthetic drug).