Dr. Ravi Chandran, a NRI and an ex-student of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Jadavpur University has donated Rs 53 lakh rupees to this university to create an endowment fund for promoting and creating a research center for advancement of pharmaceutical sciences in this department. A portion of the interest from the endowment fund will be given as Dr. Ravi Chandran scholarship to two poor students, who will study the pharmacy course at this university.
Dr. Ravi Chandran has worked for his Ph. D. degree (1986) under Prof. Garrett at the university of Florida. In 1995, he established his own pharmaceutical company "Signature Pharmaceuticals" in New York. He was founder president and CEO of the company till July, 2002. He was also the founder president and CEO of another company "American Generics" based in New York. In 2002 he sold both the companies to a multinational drug company for low double-digit million dollars. However, he retained ownership of the name Signature Pharmaceuticals to continue Research and Development work on several innovative drugs and under this umbrella, he is in the process of filing 70+ patents for a platform technology to develop 100+ different new chemical entities encompassing various therapeutics classes.
In the year 1993, he established "V. Ravi Chandran Professorship Chair" for drug design and targeting at the University of Florida, College of pharmacy. He also generously contributed to Levington Community Services in the Fulton Country, New York to take care of physically and mentally handicapped individuals.
Dr. Ravi Chandran has shown interest for joint collaborative research with his company and Department of Pharmaceutical technology and patents will be taken jointly. When the patents will be sold to pharmaceutical companies in USA or any other country this university and his company will be mutually benefited.