Hindustan Lever Ltd will be launching its Ayush Cough Naashak Syrup nationwide after its recent successful launch in Tamil Nadu market. The product would be launched in other states along with a nationwide campaign involving proper medical endorsement, informed Anisha Pargal, technology head, Consumer Healthcare, HLL.
According to Pargal, the OTC herbal cough syrup delivers significant relief from the severity and frequency of cough and chest discomfort, and is proven to start working within 30 minutes. The main ingredients in the syrup include Tulsi, Mulethi, Vasa, Kantakari, Gul banafsha, and Jatamansi and it does not contain alcohol. The purity of the ingredients is endorsed by the Arya Vaidya Pharmacy, Coimbatore, she said.
She added that the formulation has been evaluated by adopting rigorous test procedures, as practised by the pharmaceutical industry and the tests were conducted at reputed hospitals of the country. Lever Ayush Cough Naashak Syrup is available in 100-ml bottles, with pilfer-proof caps, priced at Rs.35. Since it is launched as an OTC brand, it carries adequate label warnings as well to guide the customer, Pargal said.
HLL, had announced the launch of its Health Care portfolio with Lever Ayush Ayurvedic health and beauty care products recently. The purity of all the Ayurvedic ingredients in Lever Ayush is endorsed by the renowned Arya Vaidya Pharmacy (AVP) of Coimbatore.
"It is for the first time that rigorous testing procedures of the pharmaceutical industry have been applied to ayurvedic products," Pargal said adding that these non-prescription over-the-counter products will be sold through retail and chemist outlets. HLL has also set up centres for Ayurvedic care services, called Lever Ayush Therapy Centre.
Currently, Lever Ayush range includes five products such as Cough Naashak Syrup, Headache Naashak Roll On, Hair Poshak Oil, Dandruff Naashak Shampoo and Body Rakshak Soap, which is the country's first Ayurvedic Antiseptic Soap. The Consumer Healthcare Division of HLL has a turnover target of Rs 40 crore in the first financial year.
Pargal said that the Lever Ayush products have been launched after one and a half years of rigorous R & D and extensive clinical testing. India's laws do not require clinical or laboratory proof of product performance, for Ayurvedic products. However, HLL has adopted the principles and rigour of new drug and new formulation development as practised by the pharmaceutical industry for prescription drugs, to develop and clinically evaluate its product range.
In developing Lever Ayush, HLL first tied up with the country's leading Ayurvedic experts to identify and then select those Ayurvedic ingredients, which best delivered the desired effects. HLL's scientists, specialising in biology, toxicology and pharmaceutical R&D, then designed and developed the Lever Ayush formulations, in collaboration with external Ayurvedic experts. Comprehensive safety evaluation of the ingredients and products was conducted in accordance with international guidelines. The formulations were then evaluated in clinical trials, wherein the formulations were administered to people suffering from the specific problem, and the improvement in symptoms was independently assessed by qualified medical experts. HLL conducted these clinical trials through reputed hospitals and with well-known clinicians, she added.