The government of national capital territory of Delhi has invited Indian drug manufacturers for entering into running/ rate contract for supply of drugs to all state run institutions and hospitals for a period of one year. The pharmaceutical companies with an annual turnover of Rs 12 crore or more during the last two financial years are eligible to apply for the contract.
The Directorate of Health Services of the state government has informed that the firm should have valid WHO GMP / DGQA registration for each item of the drugs quoted. The firm should be manufacturing and marketing each item of the drug for the last three years for which the rates have been offered.
The authority also clarified that approved / authorized importers of drugs can also submit sealed tenders for the drugs that are not manufactured in India. Bids of importers will not be considered if Indian manufacturer is also offering the same drugs. However, as an exception, quotations for drugs imported by licensed Indian manufacturers from their parent company abroad would be treated on par with quotations from other Indian manufacturer provided all the required criteria applicable to Indian manufacturers are fulfilled and additional criterion met.
The additional requirements are: 1) Indian manufacturer should have valid registration for import of formulation and import license if required, 2) parent company abroad should have a valid WHO GMP / CMP certificate and ISO-9000 certification. 3) Parent company should give a letter of authority committing uninterrupted supply of quality drugs during the full period of rate contract and 4) Indian manufacturer would provide an undertaking to the effect that it would own responsibility of any damage arising because of delay in supply, non-supply or supply of poor quality drugs. The applications should reach the authority on or before May 12, 2003.