The Tamil Nadu government has ordered for eviction of striking medical students from their hostels. A directive to this effect was issued yesterday evening. Over 400 medical college students were taken into custody for staging a "road roko" in front of the Government General Hospital to protest against the government decision to forcefully evict them from their hostels, without adequate notice".
In an attempt to intensify their strike, which entered the 13th day today, several hundreds of students began an indefinite fast, following the failure of talks with Health Minister S. Semmalai on Saturday.
Students complained that their hostels were suddenly closed today and the authorities asked them to return home.
The health authorities have undertaken steps to ensure that no patient suffered from not getting medical attention because of the medicos strike.
The students have been demanding the following - Medical Council of India recognition to 79 medical and dental courses conducted in government medical and dental colleges; increase in stipend; reduction in fees; and non-approval to private, self financing medical and dental colleges in the state.
The adamant stand took by the striking medicos during the meeting with the state Health Minister saw to the failure of the talks. While the government maintained it will look into the demands of the students, the students wanted concrete action to be taken immediately without giving the government any time.
The Health Minister has called for negotiations but there has been no response from the striking medicos.