
Bangladesh National Policy on HIV/AIDS & STD

BangladeshThursday, February 20, 2003, 08:00 Hrs  [IST]

A National Policy Document on HIV/AIDS and STD, under the auspices of the Bangladesh STD Prevention and Control Project, was compiled by a ''Task Force'' in early 1995 with the Chairman of the Technical Committee of the National AIDS Committee as its convener. Its limitation lay in the fact that it could not delve into all the issues with purported authority. This led to the formation of a ''Core Group'' drawn from all disciplines of the social health strata. The group held a ''Multi-Sectoral Consensus'' Workshop using Visualization in Participatory Planning (VIPP) method on 8 & 9 October 1996 in which various stakeholder groups participated. The participants reviewed and recommended necessary amendments and additions to the National Policy Document which are reflected in the final draft. Four Cross-cutting and priority issues were given emphasis in the document. These were human rights, gender, behaviour and information, education and communication (IEC). The modern human rights movement envisaged in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) offers public health a previously unavailable instrument and approach for analyzing and responding to the societal dimensions of the vulnerability to HIV/AIDS/STDs. Gender receives an increasingly important dimension as women will account for almost half of all the HIV infections by the year 2000. One cannot proceed with a HIV/AIDS/STD policy by delinking women''s and men''s reproductive and behaviural health issues. Over the last few years, there has been as attempt to differentiate between ''high risk group'' and ''high risk behaviour''. Focusing attention on behaviour has proven more effective, because it targets all who are vulnerable. AIDS information, education and communication is an important strategy for HIV/AIDS prevention. The use of powerful media -both electronic and print -must be augmented to present balanced, informative and well judged news. Media must shun prejudices and value judgments in line with fundamental human rights and shape educative efforts to produce its impact on behavioural changes. The policy statement endorses the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) as a standard for policy making and action at all levels in the response to HIV/AIDS and STDs in Bangladesh. All the fundamental principles enshrined in the text of UDHR are to be followed in pursuance of policy making. As regards the HIV/AIDS/STD Prevention and Control Programme, certain objectives and strategies have been delineated. Among the objectives are to: a) prevent HIV transmission; b) reduce the impact of HIV/AIDS on the individual and the community; c) prevent transmission of STDs; and d) provide STD management. Among the strategies are: a) prevention of sexual transmission; b) prevention of transmission through blood and blood products; c) prevention of parenteral transmission; d) prevention of vertical transmission from mother to child; and e) reduction of the impact of HIV infection on indi- viduals, communities and the society. To carry out these specific objectives and strategies, the national programme has been assigned to several task formulating bodies with individual membership make-up and terms of references. The committees are: a) National AIDS Committee b) Technical Committee of the National AIDS Committee c) Co-ordination Committee The above mentioned groups or bodies form the backbone of the HIV/AIDS and STD Prevention and Control Programme in Bangladesh. In additional to this, NGOs and the private sector form a vast non-formal sector in collaborating, assisting and complimenting the strategies and programmes enacted by the Tripartite Coalition in connection with the AIDS/STD programme. In sum the Bangladesh AIDS Prevention and Control Programme will be hinged on a Tripartite coalition where the NAC will be acting as the advisory body, MOH&FW as the executing body and DGSH as the implementing body. ?
