Now the patients with spine fractures or any other kind of spine injuries would not have to recuperate in the hospital for many days. This is made possible with the introduction of `Halo Brace' by Pune based neurosurgeon Dr. Dilip Kiyawat. Halo Brace is an equipment used to give sturdy stabilization to cervical spine.
In an informal chat with this correspondent, Dr. Kiyawat said, "The importance of external cervical stabilization cannot be overemphasized. Various appliances in use such as soft or hard collar, Philadelphia collar or four-post collar do not give rigid support to the spine. Especially in cases of upper cervical instability these have limited role."
The Halo Thoracic or Halo Pelvic Brace provides sturdy stabilization to the cervical spine but the high cost of the imported halo brace has prevented their widespread use in India. Thus, with the objective of providing cost effective solution Dr. Kiyawat designed the Halo Brace equipment in Pune and used it on one accident victim for the first time at Jehangir Hospital in the city, at the beginning of this month. "This appliance is cost effective, adjustable and sturdy. Head ring is made of fiber and the supporting rods are made from aluminum for MRI compatibility," he elaborated.
Availability of this equipment in India would reduce the hospital stay of the patients. "It would be of great help to young accident victims, as they would not have to confine themselves in hospital room for three months to recover," he said.
As a part of promotional plans Dr. Kiyawat said the equipment would be supplied to the hospitals or surgeons at the cost of Rs. 25,000. "The equipment would be of tremendous help to the neurosurgeons and orthopedic surgeons,'' he averred. He further hopes to make improvements in the equipment so that a patient can feel more comfortable and relaxed with the equipment.