The ambiguity in granting autonomous powers to the proposed Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission has been cleared as the Secretary, Union Ministry of Health has approved the proposal of the existing IP Committee in its totality. The Commission, which is expected to start its operations this year, would have a three-tier administration structure with a permanent Governing Board and a chief executive officer (CEO) to look after the direct operations.
Informing this to, Dr Pabrai, former director, Central Indian Pharmacopoeial Laboratory (CIPL) and a senior member in the current IP Committee, said that as the Health Secretary has approved the proposal, there are no more hurdles expected in the formation of the Commission and it can start functioning in a month’s time. Dr Pabrai and Dr Nitya Anand, chairman, IP Committee, had met Dr Parasad Rao, the Health Secretary, last week to underline the need for independent powers to the IP Commission for its efficient and smooth functioning. It may be recalled that though the government had agreed in principle to form the IP Commission last year, the ministry had not supported the autonomy of the Commission.
Talking about the formal structure of the Commission, Dr Pabrai said that it would be registered under the Service Society Registration Act as it is an independent organisation but is supported and financed by the government. The Commission will have a Governing Board with seven to eight members including the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI), Director of CIPL and other government and industry nominees. The Board will be under the Chairman, IP Commission, he said.
Under the Board, there will be a team of experts, who would be assigned for the compilation and validation of data and identification of monographs etc. However, the chief executive officer (CEO) appointed by the Governing Board will manage the regular functions of the Commission. It is expected that Rs 13 crore World Bank funding will be made available to the setting up of the Commission and also to upgrade the CIPL. With the formation of the Commission, the publication and marketing of the Indian Pharmacopoeia would be directly under it.