The Karnataka government has postponed the inauguration of Shimoga district’s 120 -bed Government Mcgann Hospital following a threat from the supporters of the former chief minister of Karnataka, S Bangarappa.
The state’s Minister for Health and Family Welfare who is now also in charge of Shimoga district, Kagodu Thimmappa, said that the inauguration of the extension of the Government Mcgann Hospital, which was scheduled for this week is postponed indefinitely and would be held only at a date convenient to the Karnataka chief minister SM Krishna.
The controversy over the inauguration of the extension erupted when there was a call for a threat posed by a section of the Congress workers, identified as supporters of the Shimoga Member of Parliament (MP) and former chief minister of the State S Bangrappa to disrupt the function, as the present government did not give importance to the former chief minister whose home town is Shimoga.
The Shimoga district Congress workers said that they had warned the government officials that they would not allow the inauguration of the hospital building to be held if the former chief minister Bangarappa was not given due importance.
With the district administration taking a tough stand, a confrontation between the government and the supporters of the former chief minister (CM) appeared inevitable, stated officials from Mcgann Hospital who were upset that facility would not be accessible until the opening ceremony was complete by the government.
The supporters demanded that the chief minister Krishna could inaugurate the district Mcgann hospital but the former CM should be permitted to preside. Some supporters of the former chief minister had also tore the pandal put up for the function. What appeared to have upset the supporters was that the inauguration was reportedly finalized at the official levels without involving the elected representatives of Shimoga district.
The extension building was constructed at a cost of Rs.1.56 crore and includes an inpatient centre with an increase of 50 beds, diagnostic centre and an operation theatre for emergencies.