The Karnataka Government is contemplating to allow doctors in government hospitals to carry on with private practice after working hours in their respective hospitals. The proposal is aimed at reducing corruption and enhancing health services in government hospitals, especially in urban areas.
Dr H Sudarshan, vigilance director, Health, Karnataka Lokayukta said that the new mantra of the state government for the healthcare system was "Work more and earn more". Dr Sudarshan said that government doctors were found to be indulging in corrupt practices to generate more income, because of low salary levels. "As a result, a proposal is being mooted to allow them to take up private practice and earn more," he added.
He said that the rest of the details like fixing the exact time-frame for private practice and the amount to be charged to use infrastructure in the hospitals are yet to be finalized.
Meanwhile doctors in government hospitals are now awaiting the government orders. They stated that the government salaries were poor and taking up private practice in the government hospitals will not only help to utilize the facility to the fullest extent but also generate income for themselves.
Doctors at Bowring & Lady Curzon hospital, Victoria Hospital and KC General Hospital stated that they will go to any length to take on the private practice as currently all this was going on at clinics they had set up at their residences. They also informed that generally government doctors were adept in their medical skills as they were diagnosing and treating the masses. With private practice they would be able to extend their expertise in treating people who can afford to pay for treatment.