Elchrom Scientific AG, a privately owned Swiss company, introduces a novel purification technology enabling to obtain ultra-pure siRNA synthetic oligonucleotides.
A newly developed gel matrix from Elchrom Scientific allows purification of small RNA oligonucleotide duplexes as well as singleplexes. The new gel resolves RNA duplexes from singleplexes according to their structural differences, in addition to their size. These properties lead to ultrapure siRNA products. Labeled siRNA duplexes can also be purified effectively.
Additional advantages enabled by the new technology are quality control by MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry analysis for all oligos up to 120 mer, and gel excision in blue light which prevents the oligonucleotide from degradation.
The new technology is based on Elchrom Scientific's proprietary process and Hydrogel materials whose superior qualities have been demonstrated for the recovery of highest purity DNA/RNA synthetic oligonucleotides.
It combines a non-toxic hydrogel electrophoresis with a revolutionary elution technology, resulting in higher yields and improved quality compared to PAGE (polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, up to now the standard gel purification technology).
Highest purity oligonucleotides produced with Elchrom Scientific's proprietary process and materials meet the needs of the most demanding genomics and therapeutic applications.
"This new product line will provide our customers with a complete portfolio of industrial solutions for the recovery of ultrapure oligonucleotides (DNA RNA and siRNA) on an industrial scale," says Jean-Louis Roux dit Buisson, chief executive officer of Elchrom Scientific. "We are pleased to be pioneers in providing high throughput, high quality siRNA recovery and purification technologies on an industrial scale. Elchrom Scientific owns a reputation for excellence in quality of products and customer service developed in Academia and Research organizations with its DNA/RNA analytical solutions. The new product line which comes in complement to our DNA recovery and purification technologies will contribute to build a strong Industry Division extending further our values of quality and customer service".
Elchrom Scientific is a privately owned Swiss company that applies its core life science competencies to the development of innovative technologies for the analysis and processing of biological macromolecules.