LIHE'04 Healthcare Libya, the first of its kind trade exhibition in Libya specifically for the manufacturers of health care products and equipment, will be held at Tripoli International Fair Ground in Libya from October 12 to 15 2004.
The exhibitors to LIHE 04 will include electro medical equipment/medical technology manufacturers, equipment and facilities for medical practices, hospital and health resorts, laboratory technology and equipment manufacturers, optical and ophthalmology, orthopaedics and rehabilitation, pharmacology, dental medicine and stomatology, publications and services, first aid, medicines, medical insurance, information technology in healthcare, rescue and emergency equipment, beauty healthcare products, commodities and consumer goods etc.
The visitors' profile include practicing doctors, head doctors of state and private clinics, officials from the government healthcare industry, local distribution companies, laboratory specialists, pharmacists, dentists, surgeons, radiologists, nurses, technical specialists, research officers etc.
LIHE 04 is organized by ITE Group Plc and Sahara Libya International, and has approval from the General People's Committee, the General People's Committee for Foreign Liason & International Co-operation, the General People's Committee for Economy and Trade, General Union of Libyan Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture and the Administrative Committee of Tripoli International Fair, said sources.
The sources said Libya, the gateway to South Africa, is a high potential market for the healthcare industry. The country has an annual per capita consumption of pharmaceuticals at a rate of $20.5. Libya has five tier healthcare system, and each of the basic healthcare units provide curative and preventive services for 5000 to 10,000 people. The second level comprises of basic healthcare center, each providing 10, 000 to 26,000 people, and the third level of polyclinics with physicians, pharmacies and laboratories serve 50,000 to 60,000 people and they number about 18 in the country. At the fourth level, there are hospitals in rural areas and central hospitals in the urban areas. The fifth level comproises of specialized hospitals. It is estimated that Libya's per capita health expenditure is to the tune of US$ 274,000 per annum and it is among the highest in the Eastern Mediterranean region.
Libya has a total of about 40, 000 health professionals, including 7243 doctors and 13849 nurses. The country has about 726 basic health centers, 138 maternal and child health centers and 18 urban polyclinics. At the end of 1990, there were 99 hospitals, including 28 rural hospitals. During that period, Libya had total bed strength of 18, 503, at a rate of 38 beds per 10,000 population, said sources.
For more details : Paresh Shingala,