
Change in Govt bring cheers to SSI drug makers; revives hopes on discarding Schedule M norms

P.B.Jayakuma, ChennaiSaturday, May 15, 2004, 08:00 Hrs  [IST]

The emerging new political scenario in India with a Central Government headed by the Congress with crucial support of the Communist parties have brought cheers to the small scale sector drug manufacturers. As per the indications, the SSIs will soon vigorously revive their attempts to totally dismantle the Schedule M norms mandated by the previous Government, a U-turn from their earlier stand of not to press for further extension of the1st January 2005 deadline and to comply with the Schedule M norms in accordance to the official fiat. The SSIs hope that the pro-Indian industry vision of the Congress, coupled with an aggressive anti-multinational approach of the left parties, will ultimately help their cause and to save numerous small scale drug manufacturers escape from closing their shops forever for not modernizing in accordance to world standards. It is learnt that lobbying has already been started to do away with Schedule M. A confident West Bengal Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association is now in the process of individually congratulating and contacting the Marxist MPs selected from that state, as per the direction of the Confederation of Indian Pharmaceutical Industry (CIPI), the apex body of SSI sector in India. CIPI was also in the process of communicating with its respective state PMAs to either personally meet or communicate with the 'targeted MPs' of their respective states to impress upon the problems of the SSIs and the need for scrapping the 'pro-multi-national drug policies followed by the former Central Government' informed sources. Talking to Pharmabiz, TS Jaishankar, chairman of CIPI said the emerging political scenario was likely to help the cause of SSIs. "We hope the new set of decision makers would at least attend to hear our grievances, than totally ignoring us as experienced earlier. It is too early to devise the course of action at this point of time, as it will take a few more weeks for the new Government to settle down. Our strategy is likely to try for totally dismantling the Schedule M norms that will cause the closure of hundreds of SSI units. Our office bearers will meet early next week to decide the future of action," said Jaishankar. In an interesting related development, RViswanathan, President of the Marxist controlled Federation of Medical and Sales Representatives' Associations of India (FMRAI), told Pharmabiz when contacted that the FMRAI would definitely support the cause of SSI drug sector if required. "Though it is early to comment and to assess the future stand, we will surely extend support to the cause of SSI drug manufactures, on an issue to issue basis if their interests are genuine and progressive. As a matter of policy, our stand is against pro multinational policies of the Governments. Most of the policies followed by the previous Government, not only in the pharma sector, but also in all other segments of the industries, were favoring only the interest of multinationals. The new Government should either discontinue or reform these policies," felt Viswanathan.
