CompuMed Inc, a medical informatics company providing diagnostic software solutions, announced that the DICOM version of its OsteoGram system is available as a value-added component of computed radiography (CR) platforms sold by Orex Computed Radiography. Orex is a global leader in the development of filmless medical imaging equipment.
CompuMed's OsteoGram is a patented software application for the cost-effective diagnosis of osteoporosis. In 2003, CompuMed and Orex announced a licensing agreement to integrate the OsteoGram software into Orex workstations. Orex is an industry leader in the healthcare industry's shift from film-based to digital radiography platforms. Such platforms represent a high growth market in the global imaging field, as hospitals, clinics and physicians' offices replace older, analog systems in an effort to eliminate film costs, messy chemicals and darkrooms, a company release says.
"I am pleased that the OsteoGram is now available for sale as part of the Orex CR system," said CompuMed CEO Jerry McLaughlin. "Clinicians can now take advantage of the workstation consolidation provided by the combination of the two technologies, that together eliminate the need for redundant diagnostic equipment, computers and specially trained staff," he added.
CompuMed and Orex have been working since the fall of last year on product integration to offer a system that reduces labour costs. When the operator of an Orex CR system inserts the specially designed OsteoGram cassette into the CR reader, the program is automatically launched. Seconds later, a Bone Mineral Density (BMD) report is presented. Low BMD is the marker for osteoporosis.
"CompuMed looks forward to working with Orex in global markets," McLaughlin added. "We jointly displayed the new enhanced CR workstation product at the recent ChinaMed Expo in Beijing. In addition, Orex's distribution agreement with the Medical Solutions Group of Siemens, LTD., China will assist our penetration into the Chinese market for digitally-based osteoporosis testing, which serves more than 125 million post menopausal women at risk," he said.