The Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers is planning to constitute a technical committee consisting of eminent experts to study the prospects of the revival of Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Limited (IDPL). The assurance has come from the union C&F minister Ram Vilas Paswan after a request from a delegation led by Members of the Parliament Gurudas Dasgupta and Harish Rawat. The meeting also had the presence of secretary (C & PC) and officials from IDPL. The Committee shall submit its report by October 31, 2004.
The decision to look into the revival possibilities of IDPL has not come as a surprise as the minister has been giving sufficient hints on the attitude of the Central Government towards PSUs. The announcement to offer financial aid to Hindustan Antibiotics Limited was the first step taken in this direction.
Interestingly, the minister had, in a written reply to the Rajya Sabha during the current session, reiterated the official stand. He stated BIFR, in its hearing dated 4.12.2003, had passed winding up orders for IDPL and has referred the matter to the concerned High Court for winding up.
IDPL has three manufacturing units at Gurgaon, Rishikesh and Hyderabad and two wholly owned subsidiaries, namely, IDPL (Tamil Nadu) Ltd. and the Muzaffarpur-based Bihar Drugs & Organic Chemicals Ltd. Even though there is no production activity in some of the units, none of them have been declared as closed.
Rishikesh and Gurgaon units are engaged in production of some formulations. There is no production in Hyderabad unit. However, its effluent treatment plant is providing services to outside parties on payment. But all these units are loss making.