
Millennium Herbal Care launches B-Pure, a blood purifier

Our Bureau, MumbaiThursday, May 30, 2002, 08:00 Hrs  [IST]

Ayurvedic drug manufacturer Millennium Herbal Care Limited has launched B-Pure, a blood purifier and complexion enhancer. The product has been developed by the company's own R&D department. Ingredients of B-Pure like Khadir, Manjishtha, Neem, Haridra and Karanj are effective in various skin infections by their anti-allergic, anti-septic, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal actions. Guduchi, another ingredient, and Haridra are well known anti-oxidants that help to prevent skin ageing and wrinkles. B-Pure, which also contains herbs like Kutki and Chiraita that act as hepato-protective and hepato-stimulant, thus helping in detoxifying blood. The healthy function of colon is essential for good digestion, absorption of vital nutrients and the natural elimination of bodily waste and toxins, the company sources said. When the colon is unable to function efficiently, an accumulation of toxins can build up in lymph, blood stream and intestines. B-Pure is blended with Seena, Vidang and Karanj, which not only act as good colon cleansers but also have the added benefit of anthelmintic. Apart from this, herbs like Haridra, Manjishtha and Anantmool are complexion enhancers. B-Pure is indicated in patients of blood related immune deficiency, dermatitis of various aetiologies, allergic and infective dermatological conditions, acne, boils, pruritis, urticaria, and other skin blemishes. According to company sources, the product is beneficial to a non-sufferer to improve complexion and skin attractiveness. B-Pure is to be taken in a dose of 1 to 2 tablespoonfuls 2-3 times a day in adults and 1/2 to 1-tablespoonfuls with equal quantity of water 2-3 times a day preferably before meals for duration of 3-4 months. A 200 ml B-Pure available in a bottle of 200 ml for Rs 70. Blood, the second of the seven "dhatus" (body tissues) mentioned in Ayurveda, is referred as life ("Jeeva"). Purity of blood is important from both health as well as disease point of view. Ayurveda has described the signs and symptoms of persons endowed with pure blood free of toxins (Shuddha Rakta) as, clarity of complexion, normal functioning of sense organs, natural urge for objects of sense organs, unobstructed digestion and motion, happiness, contentment, nourishment and strength. As per Ayurveda, various factors can contribute to the impurity of blood like consumption of exceedingly saline, alkaline, acidic, hot, unwholesome, pungent, rotten and putrefied food. Sleeping during daytime after taking heavy unctuous food, excessive food intake especially before the previous meal is digested, excessive anger, excessive exposure to the sun and fire are some of the other factors that may lead to vitiation of blood. Liver is an organ that is concerned with the elimination of toxins and thus plays a vital role in blood purification. Blood impurity may lead to various skin affections like allergic conditions and infective disorders. Conditions like stomatitis, urticaria, pimples, acne, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, scabies, ringworm, herpes are some of the common disorders that affect the skin and are attributed to impure blood. Early aging of the skin, wrinkles, and impaired complexion are other conditions that may result due to impure blood. The blood purifier segment incorporates anti-acne preparations, ayurvedic blood purifiers and other dermatological products. According to sources, the total market of anti-acne preparations is around Rs 28.12 crores growing at the rate of 10 %. Majority of the products are topical preparations. Other dermatological preparations have a market of about Rs 60 crores showing a growth rate of 13.5 %. There are a few established Ayurvedic blood purifiers in the market having major market presence and a healthy growth rate i.e. Safi (Hamdard), Raktadoshantak (Aphali) and Surakta (Baidyanath). Recently Himalaya Drug Company has also introduced two products in this segment. Gynova, a menstrual modulator, introduced in the market around December 2001, has achieved the budgeted target and the product is now selling 8-10,000 bottles per month which works out to nearly Rs 50-60 lakhs per annum, the company said. With Millennium scheduled to enter the Uttar Pradesh and Punjab markets, expansion of the field force from the present 72 to 100 and introduction of a new set of products like Bronkasav (bronchodilator), Hairvit (hair and scalp revitaliser), Picolo (Infant gripe water and tonic), and Antarth ointment (for joints and muscle pain), the company is poised to hit an annual sales of Rs 10 crores by the end of next year.
