With the formation of Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC) now a distinct possibility, Indian Hospital Pharmacists Association (IHPA), the organization that has been in the forefront of the campaign for IPC has decided to shift its attention on the long pending need for updating India's National Drug Formulary (NDF). The IHPA feels that a continuously updated INF should be the first step in any move towards promoting rational drug use in the country.
Speaking to pharmabiz.com, Dr B D Miglani, founder president, IHPA said that the association would now actively take up the cause for setting up a vibrant expert committee to look into comprehensive updation of NDF. "It has been decades since we made any additions / deletions to the NDF. Publication of Indian National Formulary on the lines of British National Formulary is the only way to overcome the menace of irrational drug therapy," he pointed out.
Dr Miglani was of the opinion that the experts who would be assigned the task of updating NDF should revise the Formulary at least once in six months. A National Drug Formulary should be an indicator of all drugs that have been proven to be safe and efficacious. Any alternative that brings in better results with comparatively less toxicity should instantaneously get included in the formulary. The IHPA would attempt to sensitize the government on the need to revive the dormant NDF committees and also ensure that the committee is met regularly, he added.