
Thermo Electron launches new FT-Raman System Qualification Package

Waltham, MassachusettsThursday, November 4, 2004, 08:00 Hrs  [IST]

Thermo Electron Corporation has launched its FT-Raman System Qualification Package, which provides standardized manufacturer-accepted test protocols to establish proper system performance. This new package is designed to dramatically reduce the burden on scientists and materials analysts performing the time-consuming task of system qualification. A first for Raman spectroscopy, the qualification package enables owners of FT-Raman systems manufactured by Thermo to check the basic operation of their system, and to demonstrate that the system is performing as specified by the manufacturer. The package is available for the NicoletT 960 FT-Raman spectrometer, the FT-Raman Module for the Nicolet NexusT and the Nicolet NXR Series of FT-Raman systems. Employing a reproducible polystyrene standard and based on limits established from testing multiple Thermo Electron FT-Raman spectrometers, the FT-Raman Qualification Package includes easy-to-use software that runs the test protocols and logs the results as non-editable digital records. Qualification reports include spaces for operator and reviewer signatures, and are designed to be used as a part of ongoing instrument validation procedures, the company said in the release.
