Partha Rakshit has been promoted to managing director for ACNielsen entities within the South Asian sub-region from his current role of managing director, ACNielsen Customized Research Services, South Asia, according to a release from ACNielsen.
Previous to this position, Rakshit was president of Business Development and Joint Ventures, India, with responsibility for managing ACNielsen's interests in Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka as well as ORG-GfK Marketing Services (India) Ltd and the organization's TAM India interests. With Rakshit's assuming leadership of South Asia from December, Sarang Panchal is appointed to head of the Customized division for India which operates under the ACNielsen ORG-MARG brand name.
Prior to this, Rakshit was MD of ACNielsen India before its inclusion of ORG-MARG within the ACNielsen network.
"Partha has extensive experience in the market research industry. Over the last two years, his contribution to streamlining the various operational facets across ACNielsen's strategic business units in India, have paid off remarkably well. As a result of this, we have been able to leverage our various assets in a manner that has grown our franchise amongst stakeholders by strengthening both, client and employee satisfaction," said Nonoy Niles, president, ACNielsen Asia Pacific.