Dabur India Limited (DIL) has joined hands with Shri Dhanwantry Educational Society (SDES), Chandigarh to expand Dabur's presence in therapeutic Ayurveda. The company is to shell out Rs one crore for development of infrastructure in the ayurvedic hospital currently managed by SDES. The hospital has been renamed as Dabur Dhanwantry Hospital.
DIL will be using Dabur-Dhanwantry Hospital for generating claim-support data, conducting clinical research & new product development while promoting Ayurveda. In addition to this, Dabur will use the Ayurvedic Pharmacy to sell Dabur's Ayurvedic Medicines. As part of the alliance with Shri Dhanwantry Educational Society, in December 2003, Dabur India Ltd. has been offered representation in the Governing body and the Council of the Society. According to the alliance, the vice-chairman and a member in the five-member governing body will be from Dabur India Ltd. Dabur will also get representations on the 37 member Council of the Society.
The company announced its strategic alliance with SDES at a function held at Chandigarh on December 8, 2004.
Speaking on the occasion, Sunil Duggal, CEO, DIL said that Dabur's aim to promote and expand the Ayurveda by providing strategic inputs to the hospital besides expanding its infrastructure and offerings, in line with the business opportunities. "This also acts towards expanding Dabur's Ayurvedic portfolio and strengthening its presence in the Ayurveda segment," he added.
Dr D.K. Gupta, President SDES said that the alliance with Dabur will help in providing better facilities to patients, channelize their resources towards productive R&D initiatives and clinical research and also provide an industry perspective to the young BAMS doctors graduating from the college.
Dr K R Kohli, director, Ayurveda Research, Dabur Research Foundation added, "Ayurveda is now not only restricted to minor ailments, but is making its main areas where other medical sciences have failed". He was very optimistic about Ayurveda's ability to find a cure for many chronic illnesses. "Research to treat HIV/AIDS is going on. The day is not far when Ayurvedic experts will have a solution for it". He said, "After witnessing the side effects of other medicines, people are now turning to Ayurvedic medicines".
Apart from the inauguration of the revamped & new modernized facilities, a newly designed logo for the hospital was also unveiled during the occasion. According to company sources, Dhanwantry Ayurvedic College and Hospital is the only Ayurvedic Institute in India to provide campus placements to its BAMS graduates. The hospital provides medical facilities/services at no-profit no-loss basis including its OT, Spiral CT-Scan, Limb MRI, Colour DOPPLER, X-ray, ECG, CT-Scan, Ultra Sound, etc. while providing free medication, food and OPD services to the poor.