The Tamil Nadu drug control administration initiated 90 prosecutions against manufacturers and dealers of drugs, including 23 cases against manufacturers of substandard drugs and 20 spurious drugs manufacturers, during the eight months period between 1/4/2004 and 31/12/2004.
During the period, the department took 41 cases against dealers and retail traders of drugs who contravened the Drugs & Cosmetics Act and Rules. The remaining six cases pertain to adulterated drugs, violation of Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisement) Act {DMR (OA)} Act and for misbranding drugs.
According to the data from the state health department, sanction has been accorded for prosecution of five different manufacturers for the manufacture of various spurious drugs and complaints have been filed in various courts in the state.
Complaint was filed against one leading manufacturer for having manufactured a fixed dose combination of drug prohibited under Section 26A of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940, and another manufacturer for manufacturing an adulterated drug. Further, complaints have been filed against two firms for advertising in violation of the rules related to Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisement) Act.
As per the projections of the drug control department for the 2005-06 period, it plans to conduct not less than 27,600 inspections in the retail outlets, manufacturing units, blood banks, approved laboratories and the government hospitals. Similarly, not less than 4000 samples would be drawn for testing the quality of drugs available in the market as well as in the manufacturing units.
During the period, the department also plans to conduct a training programme for the drugs inspectors and senior drugs inspectors for equipping them with the latest technical innovation in the process of manufacture and quality control of drugs. Setting up of a Drug Information Centre along with the Tamil Nadu Pharmacy Council for the benefit of the public is also on the anvil during the period.
Sources said the state government has sanctioned Rs 26 lakhs for constructing an annex building for the drug control directorate inside the DMS Compound in Chennai with a conference hall, library and record room, and property room. Rs 16 lakhs have been budgeted for setting up lift facilities in the drug control directorate. The Government has also provided for photo copier machines for the use of five zonal offices of the drug control administration by spending Rs 60,000 each, and one lakh rupees has been budgeted for purchase of reference books for the use of the Tamil Nadu DCA, as per the allocation from the health department for the 2005-06 period.