Tunisia is an attractive destination for setting up facilities due to its macro economic environment, legal and regulatory framework and transparency. The country is in a strategic location in Euro-Mediterranean region, closer to North Africa, West Africa, Arab and European region. Foray into Tunisia facilitates easy entry into neighbouring countries such as Libya and Algeria, Elyes Kasri, Ambassador, Embassy of Tunisia told Pharmabiz.
Kasri added, Indian pharma companies can derive benefit by setting up operations in Tunisia as the country has a free trade agreement (FTA) with North African countries and preferential trade agreements (PTA) with Sub-Saharan countries (including West Africa). Its FTA with the European Union makes it a gateway to enter European markets.
The GDP per capita of Tunisia is US$2900 and GDP has grown by 5.8 per cent. The Tunisian pharmaceuticals market accounts to about 400 million dollars, growing at a rate of six per cent annually. Over 40 foreign labs have entrusted the production and distribution of their products to Tunisian companies. There are 25 drug production units for human consumption, of which four are owned by MNCs. Over 800 drug products are sold in Tunisia. It has 46 wholesale distributors of drugs. The generics market represents 12 per cent in value and five per cent in volume of the overall pharmaceuticals market. The domestic production meets up to 42 per cent of the consumption needs.
He informed that the country has also launched a national healthcare programme ensuring treatment for various diseases including HIV. The programme is aimed at improving Tunisia's ranking in the human development index. The objective is to achieve universal health access to all its citizens. New healthcare institutions are being promoted in the healthcare sector. Tunisia is currently in the process of streamlining the regulatory process for procurement and partnerships.
Efforts are being made in Tunisia to stretch the production capacities and budget to ensure that Tunisians get affordable drugs. The Tunisian Govt is giving due attention to healthcare sector. One per cent of the annual budget goes to scientific research.
The pharma industry is regulated by the Ministry of Public Health. The country has shifted its focus from curative medicines to preventive medicines. It has achieved a control on diseases such as malaria and polio and is now trying to find solution to diseases such as Hepatitis besides adjusting vaccines to suit special genotypes, he added.
As part of WTO regulations, starting from January 2005, Tunisia allows free distribution of those drugs that are registered in the country prior to January 2005. In the case of non-registered drugs in Tunisia, it allows free distribution of drugs registered in the their country of origin.
A delegation from India lead by Pharmexcil is visiting Tunisia between April 4 and 10, 2005, where meetings between industry representatives from both the countries will take place. The emphasis in these meetings will be on establishing bilateral cooperation in research and training including contract research, consultation in registration and distribution of drugs in Tunisia, joint manufacturing and distribution, technical collaboration and training besides scope for joint ventures and partnerships. The visit may provide opportunity to Indian counterparts to explore markets in Tunisia and new business opportunities.
Tunisia and India as part of the efforts to build bilateral collaboration in science and research are initiating scientists exchange programme. Special attention is also given to collaboration in the areas of biotechnology. Tunisia has also set up a Biotech Park in Sfax, wherein many foreign multinationals have set up their labs and some more have proposed to set up new labs, added Kasri.
The collaborations between India and Tunisia will be more in the area of human application covering medicines and genomic research in the coming years, he informed.
Kasri was at Hyderabad on Wednesday to attend an interactive meeting with Pharmexcil members.