A seminar on effective air circulation in Pharmaceutical factories will be conducted in Chennai on 23rd July. The one-day seminar, organized by the Indian Drug Manufacturers Association (IDMA)-Tamil Nadu State Board and Pharmaceutical Engineers group (IDMA), Mumbai, will focus on the various issues related to air circulation and management in the factories.
The seminar, ‘Effective Air Management for Pharma Operations’, will discuss six major topics related to the air management in factories. Experts will cover topics like —Understanding and interpreting the requirements of Schedule M; Benefits of Air Management for Non-Sterile Product manufacturers; How to size a Heating, Ventilation and Air conditioning (HVAC) system and choose a suitable Vendor; Validation of HVAC systems IQ, OQ and PQ; Documents required for HVAC; Evaluating HVAC performance etc.
Pollution of the drug manufacturing environment affects quality and efficacy of medicines and the seminar would discuss effective solutions to pollution in manufacturing premises, K Panchapakeshan, Co-ordinator of the seminar explained to Pharmabiz.
The seminar will open wider area of interest for staff and managers working in production, R&D, Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Maintenance and Stores, which are essential to the revised Schedule M.