The Hyderabad-based Bharat Biotech International Limited has launched REGEN-D, India’s First Recombinant Epidermal Growth Factor (rhEGF) for diabetic foot care, burn injuries and skin grafts.
Dr NK Ganguly, director-general, Indian Council of Medical Research formally launched the indigenously developed drug by Bharat Biotech in Chennai on Friday. Speaking on the occasion, Dr Ganguly said REGEN-D was the result of unique public-private technology collaboration. Bharat Biotech developed therapeutic REGEN-D in collaboration with the Institute of Genomics and Integrated Biology (IGIB), a CSIR institution, New Delhi.
REGEN-D is being launched in two strengths, REGEN-150 for diabetic foot ulcers and REGEN-60 for burns and skin grafts.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr Krishna M Ella, the chairman and managing director of Bharat Biotech said, “According to the estimates of World Health Organisation (WHO), diabetes will become one of the world’s main disablers and killers within the next twenty-five years. The WHO’s latest estimate for diabetic patients world-wide, in 2000 is 177 million. In India alone, patients undergo 40,000 amputations every year due to diabetic foot ulcers. In this context, REGEN-D 150 manufactured indigenously will tremendously impact the lives of a vast patient population in affected with diabetic foot ulcers.”
“Women and children are the worst sufferers. Heavy scarring due to burn injuries and Donor Site Skin Grafting often results in lack of cosmetic appeal and even in disability. Cosmetic surgery is really expensive and is out of reach for most people. REGEN - D 60 therefore has a great role to play,” he added.