Karnataka Government has again postponed the inauguration of civil works of its Biotech Park –‘Bangalore Helix’ to mid-August from July- end. The Departments of Information Technology and Biotechnology, Karnataka, have short-listed three construction companies and the financial bid will be held next week.
The Singapore-based architects Jurong (JTC), which will execute the project, was also in the evaluation team to finalise the final three bidders out of the five companies, which had given Expression of Intent (EOI).
The state had acquired 100 acres of land near the Electronics City early last year. There have been ample enquiries from leading companies around the state and abroad to set up base in the park. The US-based Pall Corporation, a membrane technologies and separation solutions provider, has finalised its entry into Bangalore by setting up base at Bangalore Helix. Another company Fischer Scientific Instruments, which has a wide range of biological and chemical products for laboratory research, is also planning to open a centre at the park. Once the Biotech Park Project gets underway, more companies would up base at the park, stated the government sources.
The total cost of the project is estimated to be Rs 25 crore. Funds have been chipped in by the Central Government to the tune of Rs 11.5 crore. The State Government in its Budget 2005 announced an allocation of Rs 6.5 crore which was later doubled. Once the Park is ready, the Institute of Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology would be relocated to the park from its present premises at the ITPL near Whitefield.