Four major hospitals in the city, J.J, KEM, Nair, and Sion hospital have started offering anti retro viral drugs treatment (ART) regimen for HIV/AIDS patients as part of the Government of India initiative to provide free ART for one lakh people living with HIV/AIDS.
About 4000 patients will be benefited through these centres. The primary objective of ART is to prolong the survival of HIV/AIDS affected persons and improve quality of their life by bringing down viral load. For patients registering in the free ART programme the CD4 test done prior to the treatment is charged at Rs. 500 however, subsequent CD4 tests and ART will be free of cost.
The primary objective of ART is to prolong the survival of HIV/AIDS affected persons and improve quality of their life by bringing down viral load.
According to Dr. Nirupa Borges, project director, MDACS (Mumbai District AIDS Control Society), all HIV positive patients do not require ART. A very low CD4 count and very high viral load are some of the criteria used to initiate the treatment. The new centres will give free ART treatment as per WHO guidelines and under guidance of trained physician.
These patients who undergo a life long treatment have to adhere to regular follow- ups. Failure to adhere leads to drug resistance, causing treatment failure. Hence under no circumstances should the medicines be stopped.
"Good nutrition and psychological well-being are also important factors for the treatment," said Dr. Nirupa.
The basic regimens offered in free ART programme are Stavudine+ Lamuvidine+ Nevirapine, Zidovudine+ Lamuvidine+ Nevirapine. Stavudine+ Lamuvidine+ Efavirenz, Zidovudine+ Lamuvidine+ Efavirenz. The patient is investigated to rule out any opportunistic infection. Rroutine baseline blood test, X- Ray cheats and USG abdomens are also done.