Karnataka's 600 Indian System of Medicine dispensaries under the administration of Jilla Panchayats which received a grant of Rs 1.5crore from the Central Government for the purchase of essential ayurveda medicines (classical ayurvedic preparations) will not be able to utilize the fund as the State Government has delayed the issuance of the order. Although the Union Government disbursed the funds last year, the Karnataka Government issued the order on 17-3-2006 just before the end of the financial year.
The Karnataka Directorate of Ayush will not be able to place their order on IMPCL Uttaranchal and get supplies before 31-3-2006. Hence, the dispensaries will not be able to capitalize on the economies of scale during the drug purchase. The dispensaries have lost a potential opportunity only because of the delay by the State Government, JSD Pani, president, All India Association of Small-scale Manufacturers of Indian System of Medicine (AIASMISM) and secretary, Karnataka Indian Medicine Manufacturers Association (KIMMA) said.
Under the Central Scheme, Directorate of Ayush, Karnataka issued guidelines vide letter bhaavaipa:24:css: 05-06 dated 17-3-2006 to all Jilla Panchayats quoting Order No AAKUKA:94:PIM:2006 dated 16/17-3-2006 issued by the Government of Karnataka.
Pani says, "In view of the delay, there exists a major chaos among suppliers. Some of the District Health Officers are likely to buy proprietary medicines from the rate contract suppliers instead of purchasing classical preparations. There are also reports that some of the rate contract suppliers are persuading Karnataka Health and Family Welfare department to change the list of classical medicines to proprietary medicines so that some manufacturers get the benefit if they by-pass the guidelines of the Central Government."
"This should not be allowed to happen because it is against the objective and concept of the Central Budgetary allotment to make use of the efficacy of classical ayurvedic medicines in the health care of rural masses, he averred.
The AIASMISM president and secretary, KIMMA called upon the Department of Ayush, to immediately look into the matter on a war footing and prevent the misuse of Central funds by a few State Government officials for personal gains.
According to Pani, the grant was a windfall to promote Ayurveda and to draw more rural masses under the Indian System of Medicine treatment. But due to this delay, Karnataka manufacturers now will get the opportunity to supply their classical preparations worth Rs 1.5 Crore, he added.
Central Government, while sanctioning Rs 1.5 crore, has clearly mentioned the names of the Classical Ayurvedic preparations to be purchased and has also indicated that the medicines are to be procured from rate contract suppliers to Directorate of AYUSH Karnataka, IMPCL (Govt of India Undertaking) Uttaranchal, Government Central Pharmacy, Bangalore and Kerala State Co-operative Society. The list of 100 drugs includes Sanjivani Vati, Yogaraj Gugglu, Gendhak Rasayan, Kadirarishta, Abhyararishta, Aswaghanda Churna, Shatavani Churna, Chandraprabha Vati, and Amal Churna among others.
Ayurvedic dispensaries in the state had to send their requirements to respective District Health Officers and in-turn they have to place order for supplies to the Karnataka Directorate of Ayush.