
AIDCOC Convention 2006 to be held on April 29-30 at Vizag

Our Bureau, HyderabadThursday, April 27, 2006, 08:00 Hrs  [IST]

The All India Drugs Control Officers Confederation (AIDCOC), a National body representing officers working in Drugs Control Organizations has completed ten years of its formation. To commemorate this occasion the confederation is organizing, AIDCOC CONVENTION 2006, on 29th and 30th of April 2006 at Visakapatnam, the place where the confederation has taken birth a decade ago. Nearly 500 officers of Drugs Control from all over the country are expected to attend the Convention. The theme of the Convention is ''Towards empowerment of consumers - Regulator's initiative", which AIDCOC believes aptly represents the need of the hour, as the Health Care Products like medicines, pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, medical devices, and the newer drugs of genetic and biotechnology origin, which are being used widely for human benefits, requires a close watch by the Regulators, Enforcement agencies, Health Care Professionals and Consumers, in the present scenario of globalization. The Convention seeks to bring regulators, eminent speakers from various fields and leaders of various distinguished consumer organizations on to a common platform which may pave the requisite road map for the better service to the consumers and will guide through the future for fulfilling societal role and will enhance the professional competence. The "All India Drugs Control Officers' Confederation" was established on December 28, 1995 at Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh with a view to provide a common platform for the Drugs Control Officers at national level. In a short span of 10 years, the AIDCOC has become a strong and vibrant organization representing the Drugs Control Officers from all parts of the country. The strength of the Confederation lies in its reliance on 'collective wisdom', participation of all as an integral part of strategy and commitment to the philosophy "Future belongs to those who reach out for it". The AIDCOC is also affiliated to the Indian Pharmaceutical Congress Association. The mission of AIDCOC is to achieve professional excellence through continuous training, better coordination within the Drugs Control Officers and more interaction with pharmacists to establish the pharmacists and regulatory officers as vital link in the chain of health care delivery. The Confederation has placed achieving professional excellence very high on its agenda. The Confederation decided and concentrated its efforts in thrust areas like seminars, interaction, grievance redressal and publication. During the past six years, the Confederation has been focusing on Interactivity and Continuous Education Programmes for Drugs Control Officers. The Confederation has been trying to synergize its efforts with other Professional Associations. The Confederation commenced publication of the quarterly newsletter from December 1996. It covers the legal briefs, news on regulatory issues, detection, decisions of courts and achievements of the regulatory officers are the key features of the newsletter. The AIDCOC has introduced Awards of Excellence to the Drugs Control Officers. "Best Drugs Control Officer Award" at National Level is given to an officer during Indian Pharmaceutical Congress held every year in the month of December. "Best Drugs Inspector Award" at state level is given to a drugs inspector from each state during annual convention of AIDCOC every year. The AIDCOC is focusing mainly on continuous education programmes for their officers. In that process the confederation has organized training programme for their officers in Good Management Practices, Improving Investigational Skills, and Time Management etc. The AIDCOC submitted elaborated representations from time to time to the State Governments and Central Government on various issues to draw the attention of the problems faced by the Drugs Control Officers and also to apprise them of the need to strengthen the Drugs Control Organizations to give better services to the Public. The role of Confederation is well appreciated on the suggestions made by the Confederation to Dr Mashelkar committee, constituted by Govt. of India to suggest measures to tackle the menace of spurious drugs and other regulatory affairs. The AIDCOC is pursuing the agenda of establishing an "All India Training Academy" against all odds, with a view to achieve its long term objective of setting up such academy. All India Drugs Control officers' Confederation has decided to focus on direct action to improve access to Medicines for consumers. An action plan is being worked out to go to the consumer with a view to educate them about their rights and educate them about rational use of medicines and care to be taken to prevent abuse of medicines. As part of this, on November 18, 2005, AIDCOC has inaugurated "National Project on Consumer Awareness" at Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. Under this programme 80 per cent of the Chemists and Druggists of Visakhapatnam were displaying boards about do's and don'ts to the Consumers, while purchasing medicines. AIDCOC also proposes to put up hoardings in Metro Cities at prominent places to disseminate useful information to the Consumers.
