
Major Procedures in Ayurveda

Thursday, September 28, 2006, 08:00 Hrs  [IST]

The major procedures which are performed in the Ayurvedic treatments are discussed in detail below: Rasayana Rasayana (Rejuvenation Therapy) is a speciality of Ayurveda, which mainly deals with the preservations and promotion of health. It promotes longevity and prevents or delays the aging process. Rasayana promotes resistance against infections and other causative factors for the disease by maintaining the equilibrium of Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The Rasayana, if administered at an early age, also helps the body metabolism in such a way that the genetic predisposition for a particular disease is avoided and the intensity of the symptoms of a particular disease is greatly reduced. Rejuvenation therapy, in addition to dealing with the preventive and promotive aspects of health rather than merely with the disease condition, acts also by improving microcirculation in the body leading to better bioavailability of nutrients to tissues. The use of Rasayana drugs an other measures produces longevity, improves memory, intelligence and good health, promotes youthfulness, good luster, complexion and voice, promotes optimum strength of the body and the sense organs, efficiency in talk and humility, and makes the personality attractive. There are many Rasayana preparations, which are used according to the psychosomatic constitution and disease condition of the patient. Panchakarma Panchakarma (Purification Therapy) deals mainly with the removal of toxins and waste materials from the body to purify the biological system from gross channels to eradicate the disease completely. It is helpful in the prevention of disease and preservation and promotion of health, as well as the management of psychosomatic, neurological, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and many other chronic, degenerative diseases and atrogenic conditions. Panchakaram plays a vital role in Ayurvedic therapeutics and occupies an important place in the Ayurvedic system of medicine. This five-fold purification theraphy, a classical form of treatment in Ayurveda, includes Vamana (emesis), Virechana (Purgation), Asthapana (Decoction enema), Anuvasana (Oily enema) and Nasya (Nasal Insufflation). Under pre-operative management, the doshas are liquiefied by external and internal oleation by ghee, oil, massages and fomentation followed by main purification processes, which also include intra-vaginal and intra-urethral enemas and blood letting, for the elimination of toxins from the body. Under post operative management, various types of dietetics and disciplined living for a few days after the treatment methods are described, i.e., Abhyanga, Tarpana, 13 types of fomentations, etc. Pizhichil In this therapeutic measure, warm medicated oil is poured all over the body followed by massage, in seven positions in a systematic manner for the treatment of diseases of the nervous system like paralysis, sciatica, osteoarthiritis, musculo-skeletal, neuro-muscular and degenerative diseases. Pizhichil is very useful as a health restorative measure for elderly persons when it is regularly used once a year or so. This treatment cleanses the minute channels in the body of morbid substances. Shirobasti This is an oil treatment applied to the head in which a leather belt is tied to a clean shaven scalp. The junction of scalp and leather beld is sealed with paste prepared from wheatflour or black gram. Medicated oil is then poured into it and kept for a stipulated time. This is recommended for headaches, myopial conditions, insomnia, psychiatirac illnesses, epilepsy, hair fall, etc. It improves the functioning of the sensory systems and removes exhaustion. Shirodhara This therapeutic measure is carried out by pouring oil or medicated liquids on the forehead for treating headaches, vertigo, insomnia, anxiety, etc. It is also useful in many psychosomatic disorders and hypertension. Ksharasutra This Alkaline Thread therapy is a popular herbal treatment for ano-rectal diseases likes fistula-in-Ano and haemorrhoids (piles) under the speciality of Shalyatandra are prepared from plants like Arka and Snuhi by using their milk or herbal alkaline materials. The advantage of this therapy is that the patients may remain mobile during the treatment. It can also be carried out on patients for whom modern surgery is contra-indicated.
