The Department of Indian System of Medicine in the Drug Control Department of Kerala is in a fix as there is a serious shortage of drug inspectors and superior officers to monitor the manufacturing units in the state. Sources in the department of ISM said that the department was finding it hard to take actions because of this.
As of now there are only four drug inspectors, one senior drug inspector and a drug controller in the department to handle the ISM companies in the State. There are nearly 1200 unit Ayurvedic companies in Kerala and the deficiency of staff has made it difficult for the department to have proper control on them.
"The rule states that we have to inspect one facility at least twice in a year, but the problem is that we are not able to enforce this rule as there are only 6 staff in the department. Moreover many units are located in remote areas and travelling itself takes most of the time," the source said.
He said, that with implementation of the GMP norms in the state, the drug control department had to inspect most of the units and file cases against units, which did not comply with the norms. Now, to follow up these cases, the officials have to run to courts regularly and that takes a lot of time of drug inspectors.
"We at least need 15 qualified ISM drug inspectors and other officers to assist the drug controller in the office. Only if there is one inspector per district we can monitor these units, otherwise it will difficult for us to run the show. Many a time the issue has been conveyed to the government but the concerned officials are still not taking any action," said the source.
Another issue faced by the ISM department officials is absence of ISM drug controller. Although the position has been sanctioned by the Central Government, the Head of the Department is still the state Drug Controller. Sources feel that, this hinders the development of the ISM drug control department.
ISM officials are also finding it difficult to function as there is no separate drug-testing laboratory for the ISM Department. As of now the ISM drugs are tested in the Allopathic laboratory where the analysts are not suitably qualified in Ayurveda or other Indian system of medicine. It was only after 2003 that Kerala got a separate drug controller for ISM. Till then it was the allopathic drug controller who was in charge of ISM too.