The Association of Medical Devices and Diagnostic Suppliers of India (AMDSI) is of the view that a regulatory mechanism should be framed to curb the increasing import and local manufacturing of sub standard medical equipments in the country.
AMDSI president GSK Velu said that more and more low quality medical equipments are being produced in the country. Besides, low standard equipments are being imported from foreign countries like China. "It is time the government to bring some regulation to curb the trend," he opined.
Velu said several countries are in fact dumping their sub standard machinery in India, as there was no need of an import license to bring in machinery into India. This scenario is encouraging the manufacturers abroad to dump their sub standard products in India.
"At present, there is no regulation to curb the import of low quality equipments into the country. This is why many countries are able to push through their low quality products into India. Around 50 per cent of the medical equipments in India are not of high standards. If this scenario has to change, there is a dire need for setting up a mechanism which would regulate the import and production of sub standard medical equipments," Velu added.
Similar was the case with the production of medical equipments in India. There was no set standard to check the quality parameters. This was motivating some local manufacturers to make poor quality equipments. "There is no proper testing of the medical equipments manufactured locally. Even though the medical equipment manufacturers have to comply with many norms, not many are following it," Velu regretted.
The government should introduce a regulatory mechanism on a public- private model to restrict the movement of low quality medical equipments within and into the country.
"The government alone cannot handle all the issues related to the health sector. Moreover, there is a need for a body comprising people who are well versed with medical equipment production. Hence a body comprising people from the government and the medical equipment manufacturers should be formed to regulate the industry. Even AMDSI can play a vital role in the regulatory mechanism," Velu opined.
He said that there was no proper department in place for monitoring the medical equipment industry. Most often the fingers are pointed towards the science and technology department. A body comprising AMDSI, government and medical equipment manufacturing companies was the need of the hour.