
"IPA, Reed synergy will boost growth prospects of Indian pharma"

Thursday, September 13, 2007, 08:00 Hrs  [IST]

Subodh Priolkar is president of Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA). He is also the director for Asian operations of Valois, a French manufacturing company that specialises in technology for drug delivery such as inhalers and transdermal patches. Priolkar is not a man, who made it to at the helm of pharma industry over-a-night. He had a humble entry into the pharma world as an employee of Abbott. However, it was his stint with Wyeth that transformed Priolkar as a matured pharma professional. The administration at Wyeth moved Priolkar to several projects enhancing his experience in manufacturing, contract manufacturing, research and development and even marketing. Priolkar is a man of ideas and energetic enough to lead the pharma professionals in the country on the path of innovation. Priolkar observes that the industry has completely transformed from what it was until a few years ago. He believes that keeping up with the new technologies and ideas is the crux of a successful pharma professional and events like Interphex India and IPA Convention are means to know more about the advancements happening in the industry. In an interview to Pharmabiz, Subodh Priolkar demonstrated at length what the synergy between IPA and Reed could offer to the Indian pharma industry and highlights of the Interphex and IPA convention. Experts: How do you look at the synergy of IPA partnership with Reed Exhibitions to bring Interphex to India? Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA) is known for its conferences, the content as well as quality. IPA convention is one of the important activities of IPA focusing on the Industrial pharmacy. We at IPA felt that we need to have an event fully focusing on the needs of pharmaceutical industry in India. In such case, the event has to have both conference and an exhibition. It is always preferable to partner with a company having expertise in the area. We could not have got better synergy than partnership with Reed, as they are the best. What made IPA to come up with Interphex India along with Reed Exhibitions? IPA over the years has developed international affiliations with a view to promote the cause of Indian pharmaceutical profession. As the president of IPA, whenever I speak at international conferences, I treat myself as a brand ambassador of Indian pharmaceutical industry. India is becoming a major player in global pharmaceutical business. It is important to get more visibility at international level to boost the opportunities to grow business in India. The partnership with Reed is also with the same objective. Interphex is the biggest event in pharmaceuticals in the world. Interphex in India will bring more players to our own soil. This will attract the persons in pharmaceutical industry in the world. These persons visiting India will generate new business opportunities. How, do you think, the Interphex India 2007 would lure interest of industry into Indian pharma and allied sector? I have seen many visitors from India attending Interphex USA. In fact, the number is growing every year. The number of Indian companies participating in Interphex USA also is growing. The persons who have visited Interphex USA have seen the quality and magnitude of it. It is not possible for everyone to attend an event in USA. They can thus avail of opportunity of visiting Interphex India. I firmly believe that if you offer an event of quality, satisfying customer needs, the people would come. There are about 500 confirmed delegates attending IPA convention and more than 2000 have pre registered for Interphex exhibition. We expect about 10000 visitors for the three days event. Could you explain the significance of the theme - 'Credible India: Sustaining Competitive Advantage' - in the current Indian scenario? We are modest in saying Credible India and not Incredible India. Sustaining competitive advantage is the biggest challenge Indian pharmaceutical industry is facing. We wish to address the most relevant issues faced by the industry today. All the issues related to Indian pharmaceutical industry would be discussed. We have also included some new topics on emerging features like RFID, building Mgt systems and use of IT in pharmaceutical business. Panel discussions are the highlight of the programme. The convention would also feature a discussion on the pharmaceutical policy of India. Looking forward, how do you think Interphex India 2007, will benefit the Indian pharmaceutical industry? There are many international machine manufacturers exhibiting at Intrerphex India. Visiting them and understanding the latest technology is beneficial to our people. There are more than 200 international personalities from global pharmaceutical industry participating in the event. Interacting with them will evolve new business opportunities. India appearing on the Interphex global map is significant indication of the country's increasing stature. What, according to you, is that makes Interphex India 'an event-not-to-be-missed'? It is the quality of the event. It is the quality of the exhibitors participating in the event. It is also the quality of the delegates. It is not going to be overcrowded event, where you do not get time to interact with the exhibitors and their products.
