The tenth annual international continuing medical education (CME) on obesity, heart, hypertension, diabetes and lipids (OHHDL) conference will be held at Hyderabad from October 12 to 14, 2007.
Several internationally well-known doctors from University of Pittsburgh, University Texas Health Sciences and Homerton University Hospital will be delivering lectures at the three-day meet, being organised by Mediciti Hospital. Andhra Pradesh health minister Galla Aruna will be inaugurating the meet, which is meant to develop awareness of the public and doctors on focused diseases such as obesity, hypertension, diabetes and lipids.
Dr C Venkata S Ram, programme coordinator and is associated with Texas Blood Pressure Institute, Medical Centre, Dallas, USA, said, "Several doctors of international repute and subject experts from USA and UK and nationally renowned speakers are expected to speak at the meet."
The list of speakers include Dr John Farmer, chief, Cardiology Clinics Ben Taub Hospital, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA; Dr Robert Chilton, director, Cardiac Labs V A Hospital, University of Texas Health Sciences Centre, San Antonio, TX, USA; Dr Biff Palmer, chief, Clinical Nephrology Parkland Hospital, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, TX, USA and Dr Addison Taylor, director, Hypertension and Clinical Pharmacology Dept. Baylor College of Medicine Houston, TX, USA.
About 500 delegates comprised of doctors, post graduation students, representatives of government bodies are expected to participate in the meet. It will act as a platform for doctors from various countries to share their knowledge and discuss with a single focus to drive home severity of the problem to alert public in general and policy makers in particular.