
Round Table Conference on Hepatitis C infection at New Delhi organized by Ranbaxy Science Foundation on October 15th 2001

Our Bureau, New DelhiWednesday, September 19, 2001, 08:00 Hrs  [IST]

The Ranbaxy Science Foundation will be organising its 8th Round Table Conference Programme on "Hepatitis C Infection" on October 15, 2001 in New Delhi. Experts from this field will be making extensive presentations. The programme copy is enclosed for your information. Programme 0845-0915 Registration 0915-0920 Welcome Address Dr. Nityanand 1920-0925 Introduction of Ranbaxy Science Foundation Dr. O.P. Sood, RSF, New Delhi 0925-0930 Introductory Remarks on Hepatitis C Infection Prof. S.K. Sarin, G.B. Pant Hospital, New Delhi 0930-1115 Session - I (Chariman - Prof. G.P. Talwar, The Talwar Research Foundation, New Delhi) 0930-0950 Biology of HCV Dr. Shobha, Broor, AIIMS, New Delhi 0950-1010 Epidemiology and Mode of Transmission of HCV Dr. V. Arankalle, NIV, Pune 1010-1030 Spectrum of Clinical Presentation of HCV Dr. Yogesh Chawla, PGIMER, Chandigarh 1030-1045 Discussion 1045-1115 Tea / Coffee 1115-1215 Session - II (Chariman - Prof. N.K. Ganguly, ICMR, New Delhi) 1115-1135 Laboratory Diagnosis of HCV Infection Dr. S.P. Thyagarajan, Dr. ALMPG IBMS University Madras 1135-1155 HCV Genotypes and Viral Kinetics Dr. S.K. Panda, AIIMS, New Delhi 1155-1215 Safe Blood and Universal Precautions Dr. Sudershan Kumari, WHO, New Delhi 1215-1255 Session - III (Chairman - Dr. Samir Brahmachari, CBT, Delhi) 1215-1235 Host-Viral Interacations in HCV Pathogensis Dr. Shahid Jameel, ICGEB, New Delhi 1235-1255 Pathology of HCV Dr. Veena Malhotra, G.B. Pant Hospital, New Delhi 1300-1400 Lunch 1400-1500 Session - IV (Chairman - Dr. R.K. Tandon, AIIMS, New Delhi) 1400-1430 Current Therapy for HCV Prof. S.K. Sarin, G.B. Pant Hospital, New Delhi 1430-1500 Treatment in Special Situations Dr. D. Amarapurkar, Bombay Hospital & Medical Research Centre, Mumbai 1500-1600 Session - V (Chairman - Prof. M.P. Sharma, AIIMS, New Delhi) 1500-1520 Emerging Therapies for HCV Dr. S.K. Acharya, AIIMS, New Delhi 1520-1540 Antiviral Therapies to Prevent Development of HCC Dr. Sameer Shah, Mumbai 1540-1600 Current Status of HCV Vaccine Development Dr. Shahid Jameel, ICGEB, New Delhi 1600-1615 Tea / Coffee 1615-1700 Session - VI : Frequently asked Questions Moderator : Dr. S.K. Sarin, Dr. G. Chandy, CMC, Vellore Dr. P. Kar, MAMC, New Delhi, Dr. G. Chaudhary, SGPGIMS, Lucknow Dr. Yogesh. Chawla, PGIMER, Chandigarh Dr. R.R. Rai, S.M.S. Medical Colege, Jaipur 1700-1710 Concluding Remarks Prof. S.K. Sarin 1710 Vote of Thanks Dr. O.P. Sood For More Information Contact: Krishnan Ramalingam: .
