The Tamil Nadu Branch of the Indian Pharmaceutical Association organized the Dr. A. J. Mehta Memorial lecture on June 29, 2002 at Chennai. The national sales manager of PMC Soft Limited, Chennai, Vijay S. Rao delivered the lecture on "Computerization and its importance to SSI units." The need for SSIs to compete with major domestic and MNCs, with strategic focal points for development to overcome various threats being faced by SSIs was pointed out by him.
According to Rao, computerization in a wholistic manner will pave way for the competitive advantage. The speaker detailed the tangible and intangible benefits of automation through Integrated Business Information System.
A. Krishna Dev, President of the Tamil Nadu branch of The Indian Pharmaceutical Association, presided over the function. The meeting was well attended by the Indian Pharmaceutical Association members. S. Lakshminarayanan, Secretary, proposed the vote of thanks. M/s. Retort Laboratories, Chennai in memory of late Dr. A. J. Mehta, sponsored the meet.