The Drugs Control Department of Tamil Nadu has launched 85 cases against dealers and manufacturers of various medicines, who have been found violating provisions of Drugs & Cosmetics Act and DPCO. The cases were filed on inspections held in myriad places of the state from April to August, this year.
Out of this, three cases were booked under DPCO and the rest for violating the Drugs & Cosmetics Act. The cases have been filed in various courts of the state. The sources said 100 more cases are in the list, which are yet to be filed. Informed sources from the department said there are a total of 720 cases pending with various courts and the final settlements are awaited.
Recently, the state drugs control administration has initiated steps to strictly conduct inspections in all the pharmacies across the state. According to the sources more cases have come up from Thirunelveli district.
The Drugs Controller K Sundaraswami has recently issued circulars to all the drugs inspectors instructing them to initiate stringent actions including prosecutions against those who are violating the existing rules.
The Drugs Control Administration has also initiated steps to tighten the norms relating to the procurement and supply of psychotropic drugs by the pharmacies to curb the growing incidence of their misuse by youth.
It is learnt that the state drug administration will submit an agenda by September 5 to the DCGI for discussion in the Drugs Consultative Committee (DCC), which will be held in the third week of this month under the presidentship of Dr. Surinder Singh. It is known that the drugs controller will include the current drugs availability situation of the state in the agenda.
The 42nd meeting of the DCC may discuss important matters relating to quality control, manufacture, sale and distribution of drugs and the common issue of spurious drugs engulfing the market, it is learnt.
The DCC is a statutory body under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act to provide advice regarding uniform implementation of the Drugs & Cosmetics Act and the Rules throughout the country.