The Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Dr Y S Rajashekar Reddy inaugurated the new biopharmaceutical and vaccines manufacturing campus of the Hyderabad-based Biological E Ltd (Bio E) on Sunday. The inauguration took place on the sidelines of the inaugural ceremony of Bio Asia 2009, Asia's largest biotechnology event.
The new campus, which is spread out in 75 acres, is located at SP Biotech Park, Phase 2 Shameerpet, outside Hyderabad. With a phase I investment of more than Rs 300 crore, the facility is learnt to be used for manufacturing vaccines and biopharmaceuticals that are crucial for preventing childhood diseases. The products manufactured at this campus would be supplied to markets worldwide, including USA and Europe through the company's strategic partnerships.
Biological E, which has long-established expertise in developing and manufacturing vaccines, has also plans to invest an additional Rs 250 crore over the next two to three years in expanding capacities and creating infrastructure for the future pipeline products of the company.
"This new facility supports Biological E's vision of creating a meaningful impact on childhood mortality and healthcare through the development and supply of high quality vaccines and biologics that are accessible to people worldwide," said a company source.
The company's operations are driven by a strong management team whose expertise includes extensive experience in biopharmaceutical development, manufacturing and quality assurance at leading US and European biotechnology companies.
Biological E. manufactures and markets a range of vaccines and biologics, including vaccines such as Tetanus (TT), Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis (DTwP), Hepatitis B (HBV), Haemophilus influenza Type B (Hib) and a DTwP-HBV combination vaccine. In addition, the company has a number of vaccines in late stage development, including a novel Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine as well as a Pentavalent vaccine.
Besides, Biological E is an active partner to the National Immunisation Programme of the Government of India and has supplied close to two billion doses of vaccine in India so far.