Karnataka's six hospitals which were served the ultimatum of 15 days to set up an effluent treatment plant (ETP) have now received an extension from the State Pollution Control Board (KSPCB).
Last month, following the orders from the Lokayukta, the KPCB had issued the notices to six hospitals to either shut down facility or set up the ETP. These hospitals were Dr. Ambedkar Medical College and Hospital, Chinmaya Hospital, HAL Hospital, St Marthas, ESI Hospital and Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences. The healthcare providers had violated the Biomedical Waste Handling and Management Rules. The rules call to ensure that liquid wastes need to be treated and then discharged into sewer.
According to HC Satish Chandra, chairman, Karnataka Pollution Control Board if our officers are satisfied with the work in progress the hospitals will receive an extension.
Healthcare providers Chinmaya Mission have sought an extension citing delays caused by KSPCB itself in approving the proposal. Now the extension has been granted, stated the hospital sources.
According to Mune Gowda, president, Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS), work on the implementation of effluent treatment plant was in progress. The hospital is still in the process of giving out tenders.
St Marthas Hospital has achieved significant progress. The contract for setting up of ETP has already been awarded to a German company. The work is expected to be completed by May informed the hospital sources.
In January, KPCB had indicated that three out of 20 government hospitals in Bangalore adhered to effluent treatment norms. These were National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS), Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health and Leprosy Hospital.
Closing down these hospitals is not the solution primarily because the patients will be affected. All the 14 government hospitals have been given time till May end for constructing a liquid waste management plants and the 1,148 nursing homes have been a month's time.