UK Life Sciences Mission is seriously exploring opportunities for joint ventures and collaborations in the Indian pharma-biotech space. The Mission working to finalize a tripartite deal between Nottingham University, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore and Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur for the collaborative research programme in the area of drug discovery.
According to Richard Hyde, British deputy high commissioner, Karnataka this effort of the university and management-technology institutes would be the beginning of several drug discovery efforts.
Factors making India a much-sought after destination to seek collaborations are the availability of scientific expertise, largest number of international regulated drug production plants and research centres like the Indian Institute of Science, National Centre for Biological Sciences and the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Research here in India. In fact, at Bangalore, there are also companies like Biocon, Avesthagen, Advinus Therapeutics, Gangagen Biotechnologies, Bhat Biotech could be considered for alliances, stated sources from the UK delegation.
At the Bangalore Bio 2009, British Deputy High Commissioner Hyde said that discussions with Indian companies are on for research and manufacturing. UK is scouting for promising opportunities with Indian pharma-biotech companies in the country. The opportunities include access to funds and platform technologies.
Currently, India accounts for 44 per cent of the investments and it is second highest after US. The life sciences market in UK is valued at £ 15 billion. The country has the presence of around 75 per cent of the Fortune 500 companies. There are both high growth and high technology expertise in the country which makes it an important destination for global investments.
The UK biotech industry is ranked a leader outside US. With its track record of world class research, the sector is known for its highly innovative, effective solutions. "We are bringing together funding from private and public sources to accelerate the flow of innovation and create routes to market through scientific and business collaborations," said Philip Kendall, senor sector manager, International Biotech and Pharma, UK Trade and Investment.
The UK delegation represented by around 10-12 small-medium sized pharma-biotech and research companies are exploring collaborative opportunities in Bangalore. These include the Biomed Consulting, CDR which focuses on clinical trial design, COMMQP Pharmaceutical Services, Danmedical Ltd, David Begg Associates (York) Ltd. Filed Fisher Waterhouse LLP, Inoculs Ltd. Institute of Pharmaceutical Innovation, Mawdsleys, Polythertrics, WellSpring Clicnail Servcies to name a few.