Opto Circuits India has decided to invest Rs 200 crore to set up two manufacturing plants located at Vishakpatnam in India and other in Malaysia. The entire funding will be through internal accruals. The company is also launching five new products in the market shortly.
The company, which has a full-fledged production plant and research centre at Bangalore, will now have its second unit in Andhra Pradesh in the Special Economic Zone at Vishakapatnam. Vinod Ramnani, chairman and managing director, said, “Opto is in talks with the Government of Malaysia and we are going ahead with our expansion programme.”
The company is set to introduce five new products. While three products eVision 9100, Poet IQ 850H and eTraq are from Criticare, the other two viz, Magical and Freeway are from Eurocor.
Ramnani added the importance of these new products to the consolidated growth of the company and said, “The non invasive/ patient monitoring business received a much needed momentum with the acquisition of Criticare Systems Inc. We invested time and effort in bringing out products that would not only help us penetrate larger hospitals and healthcare networks but also those that we can manufacture at lowest costs and offer the same cost benefits to patients around the world. The products are designed to offer high-acuity monitoring benefits to the clinician while still maintaining a portable, adaptable and hence modular nature making them suitable for markets with minimum healthcare infrastructure. Emerging markets like Latin America, Africa and South Asia are key target markets for some of these products.”
He further added, “With Eurocor, we established our presence in the invasive/ stenting business with some great brands and disruptive technologies like DIOR, our drug eluting balloon. With Magical and Freeway, we hope to further expand our addressable market by extending our product applications, thereby reaching a far wider number of medical professionals and interventionists. The coming months look promising in this regard as more data and case studies from trials will be available to present at various medical forums and to initiate registries in fast growing markets.”
OCI has also opened up its proprietary technologies for OEM partnerships. The Rs 860 crore company, which generates 75 per cent of its revenues from the non invasive products and the remaining from the invasive range, expects to grow its business on a similar path stated the Opto Circuits chief.
All these products are developed keeping the green technology concept are also solar power integrated. The patient monitoring system - eVision 9100, modular anaesthesia gas monitoring Poet IQ 8500H, and transport monitoring eTraq, are compact and portable, to address the patient monitoring requirements in large chain hospitals and other markets through tenders, opening up an entirely new customer base in the process.