
Commerce ministry to embark on 'Brand India Promotion' in Africa from March 28

Ramesh Shankar, MumbaiThursday, March 11, 2010, 08:00 Hrs  [IST]

As part of a series of measures to counter the multinational companies'(MNCs) propaganda against the Indian generic drugs in the African countries, the Union Commerce Ministry will soon embark on yet another 'Brand India Promotion' programme in the African countries by leading a high level delegation to the African countries like Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya from March 28 to April 10. For the Indian pharmaceutical industry, the African nations like Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya are a potentially growing market. Export of Indian generic drugs to these markets have been witnessing a steady growth, especially during the last couple of years. The Indian pharma export to Kenya has almost doubled from Rs 292.94 crore in 2006-07 to Rs 543.86 crore in 2008-09. Not different is the case in other African countries. Indian export to Uganda has also almost doubled during this period from Rs 152.75 crore to Rs 290.76 crore. During this period, Indian pharma export to Tanzania also made a frogleap from Rs 152.24 crore to Rs 274.94 crore. The delegation to African countries will include regulatory officials and key senior officials from ministry of commerce, ministry of health, besides representatives from industries and associations. As a part of Brand Promotion of Indian Pharmaceuticals, there would be exhibition-cum- conference-cum-BSM in all these countries. A fully constructed stall/display area for display of products with one table, two chairs and basic electricity will be provided to the delegates. Local doctors, leading NGOs, reputed media & press, health ministry officials, etc would be invited in the respective countries. The delegation will participate in the conferences where reputed NGOs, doctors, medical professionals, media representatives, ministry of health officials etc will be present. The delegation will also participate in Buyers- Sellers meet in all countries and meet top level officials and dignitaries like trade and commerce ministers, health ministers, head of the departments of public health, regulatory officials (MCC) and representatives of local non-governmental institutions (NGOs) and industry, etc. The brand building programme will be part of the Indian government's aggressive campaign against the MNCs' propaganda against generic drugs in the African countries. The brand building programme will be a major platform for the Indian pharma industry and the government to allay any fears among the African countries about the quality of Indian generic drugs. Main objective of the Indian government's aggressive campaign in the Africa is to desist these countries from introducing laws under which the generic drugs will be treated as counterfeit drugs. Under the influence of the MNCs propaganda, some African countries like Kenya and Uganda had recently come out with draft Bills under which even generic drugs will be classified as counterfeit drugs. India is concerned over the development because of the fact that apart from Kenya and Uganda, other African countries are also intending to follow suit which will put the Indian pharma industry in great trouble as Indian companies are the major exporters of generic drugs to several African countries. The 'Indian pharma brand building campaign' will have to convince the African countries about the quality of Indian generic drugs and also to convince them that generic drugs are not counterfeit drugs as is being spread by the MNCs. The MNCs are learnt to be spreading the rumours in the African countries that the Indian generic drugs are spurious drugs and only patented drugs, manufactured mostly by the MNCs, are good for consumption.
