Aiming to effectively ensure the meaningful involvement of people living with HIV (PLHIV) in order to reduce the spread of HIV and mitigate its impact in the country, the Union Health Ministry has issued a comprehensive policy named GIPA Policy and Operational Guidelines. Under the draft policy, every agency or institution, whether public or private, will involve PLHIV in appropriate role, in the formulation and implementation of all the HIV related programmes and policies in the country.
Developed by the National Aids Control Organization (NACO) in consultation with partners and representatives of various networks working in the area of HIV, the GIPA (greater involvement of people living with HIV) Policy and Operational Guideline for Drop In Centres (DICs) aims to create supportive environment for PLHIV to reduce stigma and discrimination through awareness raising and necessary policy and legal actions. It also aims to promote inclusion of PLHIV in relevant areas of NACO's functions such as prevention, capacity building, treatment, care
and support.
NACO has put the draft policy in the public domain and has invited suggestions and comments till April 24, 2010.
Under the new policy, the PLHIV will be recognized as important providers of information, knowledge and skills; their participation will be appropriately considered as at the same level as professionals in the design, adaptation and evaluation of interventions. PLHIV will be facilitated to carry out appropriate and meaningful roles in HIV interventions such as acting as care givers, peer educators and/or outreach workers. They will be involved adequately in the process of planning for and monitoring the functioning of ART/ Link Art Centres and ICTCs.
PLHIV will be involved, as appropriate, as active spokespersons in campaigns to change behaviours and will be meaningfully involved in sharing their views at meetings and conferences. They will also be involved, as appropriate as spokesperson in events and training programmes on HIV at all levels.
To effectively deal with a situation where emergency medical treatment and health care services being denied to PLHIV, there will be a high level grievance redressal mechanism to ensure protection of rights to treatment, care & support for PLHIV. In such cases of stigma & discrimination reported against any health care service provider or medical institution, immediate intervention by competent and appropriate authority will be ensured.