On the occasion of World No Tobacco Day, Birla Veda a division of the Yash Birla Group, launched Quitobac, a unique product to help smokers quit their addiction.
Quitobac is a nicotine-free chewable herbal formulation for smokers. The tablet contains ayurvedic herbs including yastimadhu, khadir, lavang, brahmi, shakapusphi, amlaki, ela and tulsi each in a standardised potent extract form.
The pill aims to suppress the craving for tobacco through an ingredient called Eugenol which is present in Lavang. Eugenol helps in the conversion of Nicotine into cotinine, a metabolite of nicotine excreted through urine therefore allowing less nicotine to reach the receptors in the brain.
"Research reveals that more than eight out of 10 lung cancer cases are directly related to smoking. We at Birla Veda wanted to create a unique formulation that would aid smokers in quenching their craving for tobacco. A chewable tablet can easily be carried around and eaten when the need arises. The natural formulation provides no side effects on the system," said Devang Vyas, Group president Corporate Strategy & Business Development & chief Group coordinator Birla Wellness.
Apart from quitting tobacco, Quitobac also has added benefits. It acts as an anti-aging treatment through its ingredient Amla which contains anti-oxidants such as Tannoid and vitamin C.
Moreover, the product also helps in dealing with depression. The ingredients, brahmi and shankapushpi help modulate brain activities and the content, yastimadhu inhibits the monoamine oxide which regulates the norepinephrine and dopomine of the brain.
Quitobac also takes care of oral health. The contents, Eugenol, Elachi and Khadir inhibit the growth of anaerobic peridontal oral pathogens, provide fresh breath as well as strengthen the gums.
For the tobacco addicts with a smokers cough, Quitobac soothes the throat with the property of Amla which exerts antitussive activity decreasing the frequency of coughs and the intensity.
Quitobac can be taken whenever an individual craves for a nicotine fix. A maximum of six tablets can be chewed daily.
The recommended use of the tablet can be demonstrated with the table below largely depending on the number of cigarettes or gutkas per day. Results will be visible only after 15 to 20 days of recommended usage.
The product is available at the company's newly launched retail outlet Rebirth at Phoenix Mills as well all leading chemists and drug stores. A strip of 10 tablets costs Rs 33. The company plans to introduce the tablet in Tier II and III cities as well as the rural market.