H K College of Pharmacy (HKCP), Jogeshwari, Mumbai, recently launched and inaugurated the H K Knowledge Base and a new department, Scientific Cell. The event was organised in auditorium of HKCP and was attended by students, alumni and faculty members of HKCP and H K Institute of Management Studies (HKIMMS) run by the Management of Maharashtra Educational Society (MES). This initiative was the brain child of HKCP principal, Dr Anubha Khale, supported by general secretary, Waseem Khan.
The aim of this initiative was to promote the basic, fact finding research at the institute level and also add upon the possibilities of extending the research platform to industry. Ameya Chandavarkar, director, FDC, working in International Business development division was the chief guest for the event where as, Pandey, director, HKIMMS acted as the guest of honour. Khale spoke about the future prospective of HKCP to build a concrete base for scientific and research activities. Chandavarkar shared his valuable views on responsibilities of pharmacist and a major role of a pharmacist in the ultimate solution to every health problem. He also gave a vision to the future of pharmacy in India and the responsibility shouldered by the pharmacist today.
Scientific cell as a separate department is a new concept and is not a necessary requirement of any educational controlling body like PCI, AICTE, DTE or University. The Cell would focus to enhance the scientific activities in the institute among the students as well as the teaching staff. It would guide students in preparing for publications, help in identifying newer research areas, keep the updated knowledge of recent advances in pharma research field, and sourcing funds for research and development through various scientific bodies.
H K Knowledge Base is a platform to exchange knowledge among students, teachers and professional experts. The platform would be used for presenting seminars, workshops, training programmes to the students and faculty. The training programs would include advances in pharmaceutical sciences, carrier guidance, management skills and personality development to bring about complete grooming of the students to make them a pharmacy professional. HK Knowledge Base would act as conduit to develop and enrich the minds of the young pharmacists. H K College of Pharmacy would extend this platform to Pharmacy students of other colleges as well.
The platform was inaugurated with the presentation by the HKCP faculty, Manoj Gadhwal and Ajit Wankhede on 'Pharma Career Guidance'. The motto of seminar was about the career opportunity for pharmacy graduate. It was two session seminar, in first session Higher Education Perspectives in India as well as in abroad were given as well as competitive exams like GPAT, CAT/CET, GRE/IELTS and GMAT were overviewed by Manoj Gadhawal. In second session career opportunity in pharma sector was discussed along with job opportunities for pharmacy graduate in academics and industrial area like R&D, production, quality assurance, regulatory affairs, IPR, marketing and sales, logistic, entrepreneurship etc.