Aiming to address the problems of hearing impairment and diseases of ear, nose and throat, the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) will soon begin research in the area of otorhinolaryngology and allied fields.
The main objective of the ICMR is to promote research in the broad area of otorhinolaryngology with special emphasis on hearing impairment and any other diseases of the ear, nose, throat and head & neck. ICMR will provide funding to researchers for undertaking research up to a total sum of Rs.50 lakh for 3 years.
The research in the field of otorhinolaryngology and allied fields is important as the diseases of the ear, nose, throat, head and neck have a profound effect on the health and quality of life of millions of patients around the globe. The Council has been supporting researches in this area for several decades.
In the decade of 1980's the Council had carried out a multi-centric task force study and showed that nearly one in every 10 persons in India suffers from hearing impairment and CSOM was the leading cause of the problem. Subsequently a feasibility study was undertaken across two centres which demonstrated prevention of hearing impairment in a cost effective way. Since then there have been only sporadic small studies in the country. Therefore to address the problems of hearing impairment and diseases of ear, nose and throat, the Council has decided to begin research in the area of otorhinolaryngology and allied fields.
The scientific priorities of the study include: multi-centric prevalence studies with special focus on hearing impairment; development of intervention strategies designed to impact on early identification/detection and management of disease conditions; development of intervention modules including both allopathy and alternate systems of medicine; genetic causes of deafness; and indigenous cochlear implants.
Scientists working in a permanent position in a medical college, research institute, or university, anywhere in the country including government, semi-government and registered bodies are eligible to participate in the study. For participating in the study, scientists from non-governmental agencies and private organizations have to provide documentary evidence of registration certificate for research with the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), previous track record, etc.