
Healing with love through Healin Temple

AD Pradeep KumarThursday, December 16, 2010, 08:00 Hrs  [IST]

Healing with love was the mission of Dr. Atul K. Shah and Dr. Rupa Shah- who have been using flowers to heal a variety of human, animal and even plant ailments for about two decades-when they set up the “Healin Temple” in suburban Mumbai.

Dr Atul Shah who was trained in MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) at New York's Sloan Kettering Hospital, which specialises in treating cancer patients , frustrated by the absence of any real cure for cancer in allopathy and his own inability to actually heal, returned to India and launched himself into the world of alternative medicine.

Along the way while he was studying isotherapy he met his future wife, Rupa Shah,another young doctor trained in allopathy, whose belief in the efficacy of alternative healing had drawn her to homoeopathy and to the use of Bach Flower Remedies. The duo decided to develop Indian flower remedies using the basic principles of the European Bach Flower Therapy pioneered by Edward Bach in the 1930s.

Flower remedies were first formulated by the British physician Dr Edward ward Bach in the l930s, and involved tapping the healing energies and vibrations present in flowers. This was done by placing the flowers in in the presence of sunlight or moonlight, which causes the powers of the flower to be transferred to the water to provide cures of a wide range of ills.

The Shahs have put in intense research to expand Bach's list of flowers by incorporating Indian flowers and improving upon the technique of tapping the floral vibrations.

Since when a flower is cut, the trauma experienced is transferred along with its curative properties, we have devised a unique apparatus to draw out these energies without plucking or destroying the flower, thus retaining the life-force and enhancing the curative properties,says Dr Rupa Shah.

Flower remedies are also excellent amelioratives for mental and emotional issues such as grief, shock, depression, various fears, restlessness, lack of confidence, anxiety or negative thoughts. The remedies are simple, universal and work for people of all ages. Natural and self-adjusting, they have no known side-effects, and in fact aid the efficacy of therapies such as acupuncture, acupressure, homoeopathy and allopathy.

However flower remedies are not a British invention. "The practice of giving devotees 'sacred' water in which flower have been immersed is probably the oldest form of flower therapy" Dr Rupa Shah points out.

Sanskrit texts record their therapeutic properties and have accordingly assigned names, like Ashoka, meaning 'the tree without sorrow,' as its drops help to lessen grid  grief and cure depression.

For thousands of years flower essences have been used by different cultures in various countries such as Australia, ancient Egypt, India, Asia, Europe and South America to heal emotional imbalances and physical ailments subtly. Flower essences are completely natural, perfectly safe, free from side effects and are self adjusting to the needs of the individual taking them.

Though allopathic doctors do take the mind into consideration, they are more interested in a straight remedy on a physical level ,says Dr Atul Shah.

At Healin Temple, we believe in healing the mind, body and emotions; in order to bring back harmonious energies in all spheres of life. We seek to touch lives and transform them through the power of nature, points out Dr Atul Shah

Armed with qualifications in allopathy and radiology, practising medicine for over 37  years, Dr. Atul . Shah has been conducting research on flower remedies since more than 23 years. He also holds seminars on international flower remedies essences in countries across the globe and is actively involved in every aspect of the healing at Healin Temple.

Having trained in allopathy and later homoeopathy, Dr. Rupa Shah is also an aromatherapist and Reiki healer. She believes in inculcating meditation and visualization into the healing process. She is constantly researches Flower Remedies backed with her knowledge in allopathy. She is also advising vegan diet for health to her patients.

Flower energy remedies are simple and universal in their application. Unlike aromatherapy, they are prepared without any damage to the ecosystem. The flower is neither plucked nor crushed. The remedies are prepared by tapping into the natural vibrations and core etheric energy of flowers.

There are no known side effects; hence they can be used by people of all ages. Flower Therapy can also be used as a complementary treatment with other therapies like Acupressure, Reiki, herbal remedies, homoeopathy, allopathy, etc., to help a patient overcome ill health. Therapist and healers across the globe are researching the curative properties of flower remedies.

The Shahs have also developed an array of gels and devices, charged with pranic subtle energy. The comfort gel made using aloe vera juice in a gel base, infused with flower essence energy, is one such effective  product that provides instant relief from headaches, joint and muscle aches, colds, menstrual cramps and soothes burns.

They have also devised various gizmos energised with essences that can repel harmful radiations, repair auras or detoxify and enhance the taste of eatables.

Healin Temple , says Dr Rupa says,firstly is about love and restoring peace and purity. This is followed by the practical aspects of consultation, diagnosis, therapies, products and workshops.

At the Healin Temple, consultation takes a holistic form. It encompasses the mind, body and emotional levels of a person in order to heal them holistically. It comprises an interview with the doctor who listens to the patient.

“As doctors, at the Healin Temple, we first like to get to know our patient. We have a one-on-one, heart-to-heart conversation with them to know about their background, lifestyle, mental make-up and more. This gives us an insight to the individual and aligns itself with our approach of gentleness in treatment and genuinely caring for you.”

Being friends of nature, Healin Temple uses the acupuncture and ayurvedic systems of diagnosis. These entail traditional as well as modern diagnostic tools. Diagnosis is carried out through two machines:

Pulse Analysis System: This is based on a pulse sensor method which enables meridian diagnosis and uses the ayurvedic methodology of classifying the body into Kaph, Pitta or Vaat.

Acugraph: This looks at the body’s acupressure points, the meridian points and functions of the organs.

Flower essences work on the mind, body and spirit. They work on an emotional level, harmonising negative feelings and belief patterns, held in the subconscious mind. They bring forth the positive qualities that reside deep inside every one of us. Thus, therapies at the Healin Temple are Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), acupressure without needles and

EMS/CLD Laser: Energy Massage Stick or Cosmic Laser Device

From devices to gels and kits, the product range of Healin Temple encompasses most imbalances of the human mind and body.

Besides healing patients, Dr Atul Shah and Rupa Shah seek to reach out to as many people to spread the awareness and the power of flower essences by organising various workshops to help empower individuals and introduce them to a new and more harmonious way of living.

Healin Temple is a part of the Aum Himalaya Sanjeevini Essences Private Ltd ,floated by Shahs. While AUM is the primordial sound, Himalaya, the snowy mountain range is known for its pure spiritual energies. Sanjeevini means life giving. Essences here mean that which reaches to the very core of anything or to the heart of any subject.

Aum Himalaya Sanjeevini Essences brings the very pure spiritual healing energies in the form of Sanjeevini essences or remedies from the Himalaya mountain range. These are subtle energy remedies where the source of energies are flowers, gems and mountain and forest herbs. These remedies are non-material, which means there is no material substance in them.

They have the energetic information in them stored in pure spring water / Ganges waters, with brandy/vinegar/glycerine as a preservative. These remedies are taken in the mouth or applied locally on the body provided there is no allergy to the preservative.

Since there is no chemical substance apart from the water and the preservative, the remedy is not identified under the category of any system of medicines, like allopathic, ayurverdic or unani. It is not a drug. All it can be called is floral water or aqua florum, with an edible preservative. Therefore chances of any untoward effects are minimal.

“Apart from the transformative flower remedies, we also have gem elixirs, flower/gem ready-to-take formulae, formulae for pets, chakra series, creams, ointments, lotions, special energy remedies, oils & aura sprays” points out Dr Rupa .

“We have also done a lot of research in the field of electromagnetic & environmental pollution and we have very interesting, effective gadgets to antidote it. Hazards of radiation have just begun to be known and with advancement in technologies, we also have its inherent dangers to sort out. We will have to gear up to get the mess cleared up”, adds Dr Rupa.

Ultimately to heal is to love. Bringing a human being closer to nature and to the essence of nature i.e. love is the message of Healin Temple , avers Dr Rupa .
