The Centre will spend over Rs.300 crore on the male health workers selected for sub health centres in 235 high focus districts from the point of disease control under the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) during this financial year.
The government approved hiring of more than 53500 male health workers for all the Sub Health Centres (SHC) in 235 high focus districts from the point of view of disease control. The total costs for providing the male health workers on contract would be Rs.385.52 crore per year and the central government will bear 85 per cent, 75 per cent and 65 per cent share in first three years, according to the official sources.
The infrastructure in the healthcare sector has improved with new construction of district hospitals and community centres under NRHM. New construction and upgradation/renovation were taken up in 433 district hospitals, 2921 Community Health Centres (CHCs), 4165 Primary Health Centres (PHCs) and 11856 Health Sub-Centres under the programme during the year of 2010. Besides, 9120 Primary Health Centres (PHC) have been made functional for 24x7 as compared to only 1262 in 2005, according to the annual report of the Ministry.
As many as 2394 specialists, 8284 MBBS doctors, 9578 AYUSH doctors, 26734 staff nurses, 53552 ANMs and 18272 other Para-medical staff have been added to the health system to improve the services after the introduction of NRHM in 2005.
Over 8.33 lakh trained ASHA/community workers have been engaged to link the households with the health facility. 5.7 lakh ASHA workers have been trained and provided with drug kits so far, as per the report.
A total number of 29904 Rogi Kalyan Samitis have been registered in the health facilities upto PHC level. (A support of Rs.5 lakh per DH, Rs.1 lakh per CHC and Rs.1 lakh per PHC are given.) As many as 4.98 lakh Village Health and Sanitation Committees (VHSCs) have been constituted and 4.82 lakh joint accounts at the Village Health and Sanitation Committees and Health Sub-Centres opened.
Under the Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) which is cash transfer scheme to promote institutional delivery, over 100.78 lakh pregnant mothers were covered in 2009-10 as against only 7.39 lakh in 2005-06.