Ecron Acunova, a full-fledged clinical research organization, has added an additional focus area which is the stem cell therapy and diabetes centre. The centre provides the marketing authorization for allogenic or autologous stem cell products. The facility which is a centre of excellence is engaged in carrying out scientific, clinical, regulatory, safety assessments.
“As a clinical research organization, we are now focusing on niche and frontier areas like stem cells and diabetes is a major area of interest and are looking to strengthen our expertise. When a sponsor wants to get marketing authorization for an allogenic or autologous stem cell product, we advice on country selection for marketing registration, choice of country for conducting trials, logistics, choice of sites/investigators, safety board constitution, among others in Asia, Europe and USA. We have conducted studies for US and India which include those in the government sector”, DA Prasanna, founder and chairman, Ecron Acunova told Pharmabiz in an email interaction.
For stem cells research, Ecron Acunova has invested around $1 million. The company which has a dual headquarters in Bangalore and Frankfurt has a doctorate in stem cell leading its German operations and a medical doctor heading in Bangalore. Over 35 investigators and site teams have been trained under the two experts. The total strength of the facility is 11 personnel working in the area of stem cells alone, stated Prasanna.
Scene for stem cells therapy in the country is moving at a faster pace from the super specialty hospitals to mid-to small sized centres of care. The objective is to look at the regenerative medicine which would help to control aging and treat wide range of debilitating diseases like diabetes type I, neuro-degenerative and cardiovascular diseases, he pointed out.
The major challenge of this sector in the absence of the new guidelines which are yet to be enforced is the ability to ensure long term follow-up to establish safety, stated Prasanna.
There is lot of interest amongst youngsters to pursue their future research studies in stem cell and regenerative medicine. This is where companies need to nurture the candidates who are evincing considerable interest in the field. But the young professionals are keen for an early success from the field which as of now is not taking off at a faster pace, he said.