Stride Arcolab, a Rs. 1,700 crore pharma major, has posted satisfactory performance during the year ended December 2010 and declared equity dividend of 15 per cent. Its consolidated net profit increased by 11.6 per cent to Rs.122.45 crore from Rs.109.68 crore in the previous year. The EBDITA improved by 88.3 per cent to Rs.396.27 crore from Rs.210.50 crore. The net sales went up sharply by 30 per cent to Rs.1,696 crore from Rs.1,205 crore. Its other operating income jumped by 177 per cent to Rs.65.22 crore from Rs.23.56 crore. Revenues from licensing income went up to Rs.363 crore from Rs.101 crore.
The earnings per share, after considering the rise in equity capital, worked out to Rs.26.11 from Rs.26.49 in the preceding year. Its equity capital increased to Rs.57.74 crore from Rs.40.22 crore.
The company filed 28 ANDAs and received approval for 22 ANDAs and cumulative total of filings reached at 151 ANDAs with total 53 approvals. The company had 124 and 988 product registrations in other regulated markets and emerging markets respectively.
Arun Kumar, vice chairman & group CEO, said, “2010 was a game changing year for us as we saw the fructification of many of our plans in our goal to become a global sterile powerhouse. Our partnerships with Pfizer and entry into the biologics space has strengthened and consolidated our position in the specialty segment. Ray of life, our critical care offering for the domestic market, has also made significant progress with a wide range of high quality oncology products at an affordable price for Indian consumer.”
The company's specialties division (rebranded as Agila) performed well by launches of new product in regulated market. It launched 16 new product in regulated market, 5 in USA and 11 in other regulated markets. Further, new facilities also contributed to top line. The collaboration with Pfizer for 40 off patent sterile injectable and oral products for the US market and extended collaboration to 38 generic oncology products in an expanded geography also contributed to sales growth. The acquisition of Penem and penicillin facility in Campos, Brazil and acquisition of 100 per cent stake in Bangalore-based biotechnology firm, Inbiopro Solutions will be additional advantage.
The company pharma and branded generics business in Australasia improved by 26 per cent AU$ 132.3 million. Its sales in Africa touched to US$ 30.56 million and its earned a EBDITA of US$ 7.09 million. It added four new markets viz., Congo, Mali, Mozambique and Malawi. It registered 57 new products in Africa. Strides Arcolab has commissioned full fledged production of tablets in Nigerian facility.
The Indian branded business touched to Rs. 47 core with EBDITA of over Rs.9 crore. Its pharma manufacturing in India affected due to pricing and margin pressure in ARV business.